Wednesday 3 March 2021

From ArthurS: Knight's Solar (40 points)


As the Lad and myself are leapfrogging the Chambers of Challenge, it's his turn again.From the Chamber of the Tomb we now creep into the Knight's Solar

He's still practicing to paint between the lines and scooped up some of his plastic Toy Knights  for this locale. I suspect these knights to actually be based on statues and period depictions of Englisch Kings as almost all of them wear a crown or coronet surrounding their helmet and almost all display the Coat of Arms of the 3 lions familiar to the Kings of England.

These are not the most detailed or complicated schemes, so we decided that while the figures are rather more 40mm we would score them as 28mm figures. So that makes 20 + 20 points = 40 points for the Lads listing. 

Cheers Sander and Arthur


There's nothing like the first mate showing a new crewman the ropes around the ship, and Arthur is clearly an attentive lad! Keep up the good work there shipmate!

Cap'n Wednesday


  1. These look like fun, Arthur!

  2. Fun looking quartet of knights!
    Best Iain

    1. the Lad says they were fun to paint too!

  3. Glad to hear he had fun. Nice knights.

  4. Brilliant work, Arthur.... great paint-handling and a really fun unit to add to the table! Awesome work, Sir!
