Wednesday 3 March 2021

From SanderS: The Laboratory ( 45 points)


 Creeping along dark and dank passages we travel from the Knight's Solar to the Laboratory. 

Now the term "Laboratory" conjurs up images of cackling demented scientists making genetically altered super soldiers or mutated monsters. I had a more classic Sword and Magic approach in mind. As I have several wizard'f study furniture lying around I thought I'd paint that up as well as one wizard and his guards to go along with them.

This furniture lot is a mix of 3D print/ Heroquest origin and Terrain Crate stuff.


 Below we can see two wizard's work desks, the are Heroquest toppers provided with 3D printed body's and legs. They both feature a skull...


Since I have a set of the game at home and one at school I thought it a good plan to paint them differently so I could tell them apart.

Next up is a Solar system thingamabob. It's from Terrain Crate and the soft plastic is really bendy, even with the hot water technique I was unable to get it to stay straight. So I came up with the idea of making it an old and damaged item in the study. I really liked weathering the verdigris on.

Next tow cupboards or closets. The left one is 3D bodywork with HQ topper, the one on the right is from Terrain Crate. Look barks: another skull!

Now I have quite a lot of old GW plastic wizard figures lying around and aim to paint one up for pretty much every Lore of Magic in the Heroquest (i.e. WFB universe) and this one will either be my Air or Earth wizard. I am not sure yet. He could also very well be a necromancer since he has that distinct Egyptian/ Khemri air over him.


 The wizard is from the old GW Talisman game but his guards are the old Advanced Heroquest guards.

Points count: let's say 10 for the furniture, 15 for the figures and 20 for the Laboratory? That's 45 right?

Skull count: 3

Cheers Sander


  1. Fantastic love the old school wizard, a long time since I have seen him around!


  2. First time I've seen a model orrery and now I want one for my own! Great stuff and beautifully executed

    1. so that's what It's called?! Well it is from Terrain Crate.

  3. Splendid laboratory terrain pieces and the old school necromancer is great!
    Best Iain

    1. yeah he is a classic and I just cannot shake the idea he is an evil character pretending to be good.

  4. I thing your skull-o-meter needs recalibration and a stern talking-to- I see five skullz here!

    The solar system thingamibob is wonderful, but I share your frustration with the unfixable warping.

    1. Well you are the master of the Skullery, so I bow down to your wisdom. Yes the bending is really a nichtmare but I am happy with my present solution.

  5. Some lovely work, Sander. I especially like the orrerrrerry (maybe I've mispelled it?) I've literally just finished painting the same piece myself, and had the same problem with its bendiferousness, so wish I'd thought of your approach. Mine's very different from yours, as you should see later today.

  6. I cannot wait Noel, I do like your other Terrain crate stuff as well!

  7. Great pieces Sander. Love the so,air system contraption
