Monday 21 February 2022

From David V - Ogre Mark V (Skaro) (35 points)


Addition to my growing forces for Ogre Miniatures, the 6mm scale miniatures wargame based upon Steve Jackson's Games' 45-year-old board game.

The Combine Ogre Mk. V is a very large cybertank, with more than double the firepower of the Ogre Mk. III that I recently built. Above, next to the Mk. V you can see a normal sized 6mm (1:300) scale PanEuro heavy tank. I went with a traditional Combine = red, Paneuro = blue paint schemes. For the Ogre Mk. V, the base red was accomplished with a light spray of Army Painter Dragon Red primer. I then laid in several glazes of GW Druchii Violet for shading. I painted highlights and some light weathering and damage using various artists' oils, especially Alizarin Crimson, Burnt Sienna, Cadmium Red, Cadmium Scarlet, Cadmium Yellow, and Peach Black.

I was hoping to get several troops of Paneuropean armour units done to go along with this Ogre: GEVs (armed, jet-powered hovercraft), missile tanks, super heavy tanks, howitzers, etc.). Hopefully, next week!

I suggest 15 points for the Ogre Mk. V (which is easily equal to or larger than the size of a 20mm T-34 or similar tank). Add 20 points for Skaro (Robots). The Ogre Mk. V is a giant robotic tank! This should total 35 points for my latest entry into this year's Challenge.

Lovely work on this beast of an OGRE David!  You are aging taking me back to my teenage years with this one. I like the weathering effects on the tracks and around the bumps and spikes.  I will accept your rational on both the OGRE itself and the Skaro bonus. 

FYI, IIRC the Halifax area gamers used to use their Panzer Leader and Panzer Blitz geomorphology maps to great mega-OGRE games.


  1. That is a big beast, nice shading!

  2. Lovely piece of kit, Dave! :)

  3. What a Red monster! Well done, Dave!

  4. Hi Dave:
    You're making me wish I'd played OGRE, I've always wanted to try it. That's an iconic piece of kit, lovely to see it again, red is a good choice.
    Cheers, MikeP

  5. Splendid looking super heavy tank!
    Best Iain
