Monday 21 February 2022

From StuartL - A Short Entry - 205 Points

Hello again,

First off, an apology, I haven't commented on anyone's posts in well over a week now. Currently work is taking up a lot of my free time and brain capacity. Unlike most other countries, Japan begins it's school year in April and ends in March (I think only India and Pakistan share this system). As I am currently teaching in a Junior High School, I have a load of essays to check, (at home, in my free time), as well as final classes to prepare for, class speeches to evaluate and then end of term exams to wade through. Yay. This hasn't left me with much head space to devote to the challenge beyond the basics of picking up a brush, putting on some tunes and trying to get models done. After writing 'Good job, well done,' on 200+ essays, I have nothing left for the amazing posts that other challengers have uploaded. 

Anyway, with that out of the way, I have a few finished minis to show off today. I am a big fan of plastic minis, and I especially like the very versatile boxes of fantasy figures that Northstar have been producing for Frostgrave and Oathmark. When the first dwarf models were released, I bought a box and put together a small warband for Sage: Age of Magic, with the plan to later expand it. Since then, I bought a second box of the regular Dwarven Infantry and a box of the Heavy Infantry. I got some of the models painted up a while back, but I've had a bunch of them sat in my 'to do' pile since before the last challenge. 

These are the heavy infantry models, equipped with axes, hammers, shields and plate armour. The box comes with the load of different heads and weapon options, though the same 5 bodies get repeated 6 times in the set.

More heavy infantry, this time with great axes. By mixing up the arm positions and heads, you can get a nice looking unit while still making each model look different.

These models are from the regular infantry set, wearing chainmail rather than plate mail. This box likewise comes with more heads than you really need.

The regular infantry set also comes with enough bows to equip every model in the box. I would have preferred crossbows to be honest, but they are still great figures.

And finally some spear armed troops, again from the regular set. My only complaint with these figures is that the arms designed for holding the shields can be a little short, resulting in a hard time getting the shield to fit alongside the big bushy beards. I like how the models differ from GW's more rotund style. These figures have quite a long torso in comparison to their legs. They definitely look like dwarves, but are still fairly tall and sturdy miniatures.

And here you can see the finished batch. This lot will join my already finished warband to give me some 90 odd models to draw from when playing Saga. That is also a good starting number if I want to expand out to more rank & file type games using movement trays. So, that is my entire dwarven collection done. Oh, but Northstar just released a new box of Dwarf Light Infantry. Guess I'd better pick some of those up too. 

So, that is 41x 28mm minis at 5 points each, for a total of 205 points.

Next, the challenge quadrant...

Fine work on these down to earth individuals Stuart.  I agree on the versatility offered by plastic figures and have had good fun and success mixing and matching bodypxrts as you have done with these fellows.  I still have reservations about breakage (been g quite ham handed) and miss the heft of metals, but every choice has downsides.

Anyway the Dwarves are great.  They look like a tough bunch in close combat.


  1. Good stuff with these plastics. Excellent paint scheme and brush work.

  2. Good job, well done ;)
    I agree, the legless dwarfs from GW are rather funny, these look more "real". Also, they seem to be able to walk as well. Nice, dark minis!

  3. I had to chuckle at “… that is my entire dwarven collection done. Oh, but …”

  4. Hi Stuart:
    Nice to see proper (as you say), well proportioned, and well painted dwarves like these. Bravo.
    Cheers, MikeP

  5. Great looking plastic fantastic dwarves, sound like a good set to invest in, I do still have a soft spot for the GW legless variety!
    Best Iain

  6. A short entry he says, as a Dwarf player and as someone known in regular life as "Gimli" I take offense ;-p no really great stuff mate!

  7. These figures look great.
