Monday 9 January 2023

From Matt T - New army for a new challenge - [ 60 points ]

Right then, I'm blaming my brother for me starting this new army. I've got an idea for a new pair of matched armies he said. Mongol vs Khwarazmian Empire. 

Now I had no idea who the Khwarazmian Empire were. Turns out they were a Turko-Persian Sunni Empire that got rolled up by the Mongols in pretty quick time. However looking at the Basic Impetus army list they are quite an interesting army. The army is going to be all cavalry which I don't have, colourful, as well as an option to take an elephant. Sounds great, I'm all in. Hopefully at some point my brother will get Mongols on the table.

Wikipedia link for the Khwarazmian Empire

The first units I have painted are a couple of bases of Turkoman light cavalry. Figures are from Gripping Beasts Armies of Islam range. In the army list they are quality light cavalry so I have opted to put three figures on each base.

6 x 28mm mounted figures @10pts each = 60 points

Smallish start but I'm off and running.

Family members, taking blame for everything since the dawn of time.  Great start Matt and welcome to this year's Challenge.  I think the biggest problem with this army is remembering how to spell Khwarazmian!  I had a pleasant diversion down the Wiki-history rabbit hole following your link.  I had met the Khwarazmians as the folks who captured Jerusalem, caused the VII Crusade and obliterated the Franks at La Forbie.  Turns out that was just the rump of the horde, who went west and turn mercenary after being flattened by the Mongols.

Anyway enough blather, these horse archers are really spiffy.  I escpecalliy like tail end Mustafa firing the Parthian shot.  Nice crisp bright colours and well posed and based figures.  Looking forward to more of these.   I am an ancient gamer too but I've not tried Impetus yet.  We've used Hail Caesar in the past but more recently have gone with To The Strongest which work well and give a good fast game.  


  1. Nice Additions Matt, they look great, a big fan of Advanced Impetus and the three horses for light archer cavalry


  2. Nightmare you beat me to making the first post from the Todd family - yes vey nice painting and I really like the basing style. Will definitely have to get some Mongol opponents now!
    Cheers JezT

  3. Welcome back to the Challenge Matt. A great opening post with these very nice horse archers. Really like the groundwork as well.

  4. Nice horse archers, Matt! :)

    From what I remember, one of the Khwarazmian king's sons survived, got to India and became a bit of a thorn in the side of the Mongols for a few years.

  5. Great archers Matt, lovely saddle cloths

  6. Splendid looking horse archers, lovely finish!
    Best Iain

  7. Welcome back, Matt! Colourful and very detailed paintjob, well done!

  8. There’s always a need for a new army! And by the look of it you could have chosen far worse. (though you might have chosen an easier named one). The archers look very nice, Matt, and I hope to see more of your Khwarazmians!

  9. Thanks folks, hopefully more on the way soon
