Saturday 7 January 2023

From Millsy: Tyranid Genestealers Ewww! (Studio Sci-fi 60 points)

G'day All,

My second submission is a quick one, more of a "palate flenser" than anything, a tonic to refresh me from the two large subs I am working on at the moment.

These horrible little monsters have been lurking in my stash for a while now and scratch an itch I have always had to paint a few Genestealers without ever actually needing any. Recent enjoyment of Kill Team 2.0 means I've found a use for them so everyone's a winner (at least until you meet these guys in a dark corridor).

They're simple enough to paint if a bit laborious cutting in all the blue-black carapace. The scheme is a popular one and indelibly linked in my head to all things Tyranid, going all the way back to my Space Crusade days.

Give us a kiss then my lovely!

8 x 28mm minis + bonus = 60 points. Ka-ching!


I like the bright, vibrant purple you've chosen to go with the deep, dark blue. The traditional look for Genestealers is pretty hard to beat. I still have nightmares about playing against the 'stealers in Space Hulk, one bad dice roll and they would quickly rend their way through a squad of terminators. Nice work, Millsy.


  1. Nice work Millsy, Stuart is right, you never want one of those to pop up next to your squad in Space Crusade. Nasty buggers.

  2. Great looking 'stealers, Millsy! Being a classic GW guy, I'm amazed you haven't done some of these up for Space Hulk by now.

    1. I was always more of a Space Crusade guy. The new models for Space Hulk don't do much for me TBH. They seem much more like display models than game pieces

  3. Great work Millsy. Genestealers are a GW classic, and I have the same feeling regarding the colour scheme. A well rendered classic!

  4. Cracking - I loved these in the day .

  5. Those look menacing though I know next to nothing about GW stuff

  6. Great looking genestealers, classic!
    Best Iain

  7. Nice stealers Millsy! That proper classic colourscheme is ace!

  8. Never quite grasped the concept, but these look absolutely great, Millsy!

  9. I love the classic colours!

  10. Nice work mate- happy birthday!

  11. Yucky! You seem to have used the same Pepto pink as Barks used a few years back, is this an Aussie thing?

  12. Greta stuff. I had never played and had the 2nd edition since released. Broke it out this year and what a game. I did a chunk of the bugs before the challenge and may get to the others. Your brush on these is superb.

  13. I really need to dig out my copy of Space Hulk. Serve the hive.

  14. Very nice Tyranids in their classic colour scheme

  15. Fantastic Millay, they look great!
