Wednesday 18 January 2023

From RobH: LOTR - Sauron (25 Points)

Sauron and two Mouth of Saurons. These figures are from the Games Workshop LOTR line have been hidden in the darkness for many years and I thought it was time they were painted and exposed to the light.


Sauron - 10 Points x 55mm Foot Figure = 10

Mouth of Sauron - 10 Points x 28mm Mounted Figure = 10

Mouth of Sauron - 5 Points x 28mm Foot Figure = 5

Total 25 Points

Below is a photo of a group of Orcs of the Hand by Harlequin Miniatures that have been rebased awaiting their masters command. Sauron can be seen lurking in the background.


Good work Rob! I like seeing Sauron and his minions get a brighter treatment. I like how Sauron is on a black ash base to reflect his 'stepping out' in the War of the Last Alliance. Gee, with one more Mouth of Sauron you could have a cool, goth boy band (you already have an amazing frontman). :)

Well done, sir!

- Curt


  1. I love the rocky/tufty basing you have done there. Reminds me of the rocks that Sam and Frodo were constantly clamouring over.

  2. Good job, Rob! I have that Sauron lurking somewhere, I have always thought to paint him almost black and very dark, but he could be rather bright, too.

  3. Two mouths are better than one? Nice work on the big baddy.

  4. Great work, Rob! Having two mouths makes speaking with two tongues a lot easier, as befits Sauron. Well done!

  5. Nice! It's great to see these Lord of the Rings minis.
