Tuesday 21 February 2023

Tamsin's Tew's Day Tyros

"Good morning Ladies, Gentlemen...and Ray! Oh dearie-dearie me! It seems that we may be suffering a small relapse into the February doldrums. Over the past seven days there were 56 releases which grossed $6,456 million, down a shade over $2,000 million on the previous week. Time to stop slacking off, people, pull yourselves together, paint on a happy face and get making lots of blockbusters. I know you've got it in you, so just do it!"

"Today's release schedule looks like this:

  • DaveD  has a Russian language film about the Red Army taking on the might of the West (Hmmmm - not sure that one will go down well) and returns to his Vietnam War series with a documentary about amphibious vehicles.
  • MartinC's release is a pastiche film of random clips
  • BenitoV brings us the flight to Bree
  • SanderS weaves a tale of fallen angels
  • KerryT gives us an Italian Wars epic with a twist - the lead character is played by a squirrel!
  • MattW may have a tale of Romans vs Germans

Hopefully a few more releases will appear on the schedule later today."

"For those of you who may be wondering, there is still no response to the multitude of queries about when apprentices will receive their cut of the gross takings. The Show Lord and the Chief Financial Officer, Miles, were overheard saying "just like that Mel Brooks film" by one of the studio's security guards."




ps - if you're wondering about the post title, I was meant to be away today and Teemu was going to cover for me. As I'm not away, I thought I'd acknowledge his offer of help by changing Tuesday to Tew's Day in line with his Thor's day minion posts (Tew or Tyr, being the Norse god of law. And war, of course - he was a Norse god after all).


  1. Go well you Tuesday terrors ! Keep Tuesday Turnip Free!

    1. I'm not going to make any promises I can't keep! :)

  2. MartinC is far more random and disturbing than Turnip28

    1. It's definitely a close call between the two! :)

  3. Tyr is a fine god for us mini painters. :)

    1. Indeed, but how does he hold the minis while painting them? (assuming after the incident with Fenris).

  4. Ahhh, that explains the battle axe and war hammer on your beverage cart this morning....or Ray is acting up again! ;)

    1. No, they're always there...just in case! :)

  5. Planned to have more but decided to go out this morning….. late delivery of Roman’s when I get back from adventures
