Thursday 18 January 2024

From BruceR: FIW natives, bits and bobs (42.5 points)

Not as productive as I should have been with temperatures well below freezing as the northern plains rival even the snow lords temperatures. And no Teemu we are not barbequing. Another reason as my gaming compatriots agreed to venture out in the cold and play a game of bolt action. We did early war and I created 2 forces with my French legionnaires and French colonials. I had some points left over and went looking for the motorcycle I'd painted for a BA gathering in Minneapolis last year (which I didn't make due to closed interstates and snow).  Ah, based and primed, not painted. To the paint desk. So, my first submission is this French motor bike, without riders. This is a 3d print I picked up and I may get to the 4-5 mounted bikes I have from the same purchase. Base coated grey and I hit it with a Contrast green. I did some weathering (makeup brush) and painted some unit numbers and colors. Add some ground paint, highlight and tufts. I use these models dismounted and firing. I liked how it turned out, not sure about the blue head lamp as I saw photos of the screened lamp with the slit, too late as it was needed on the wargames table. Senegalese painted last year for the same gathering. For points I'm not sure. A vehicle, but seems small so I'll tally 10 points and Teemu can deduct if he feels it is slightly high.   

Senegalese w/ LMG and driver (Fez's painted last year)

As I went to grab the two tanks and armored car that the rules allow for two forces I noticed a missing commander on my AMC 35. Lost to the travel gods I imagine. Well, again to the paint desk. Sitting on a pin is a primed vehicle commander. Not sure if French or Italian, well being cavalry I'm sure he would be all in for nonofficial attire. So, he has a pith helmet of some sort, with a band, and great moustache. He was told to jump into his mount and counterattack immediately (after some paint). The AMC 35 (dubbed by the French Automitrailleuse de Combat) did not live up to its great name. Fired once missed and then was taken out by my gaming nemesis dice rolling and a PAK 36.  

I present Pepe Le Pew tank commander of Automitrailleuse de Combat 35.

Lt Le Pew

Gaming done and back to the paint desk. I'm running a FIW Sharp Practice game at Adepticon so I need to crack on with some French forces for the game. Earlier in the year I purchased a starter force of French from Galloping Major consisting of 12 Huron allies, 6 Canadian Militia (Milice), 6 Compagnies Franches de la Marine, with two leaders, which are great. I previously painted up the Milice and leader prior to the challenge.  My British force is done and ready. First up are 6 natives out of 12+leader, the other 6 should make next weeks tally. I flip back and forth using contrasts or speed paints. With all this flesh I decided to give them a go and did most of the 6 with contrast. Not super happy and did some additional highlighting to get them to a reasonable state. Tried to give them each a different warpaint type of extra. The next 6 and leader are 80% done without contrast so I (and you) can compare the results. I'm happy with how they both look and they should give participants decent troops to push around. 

Thats one group done. I'm going to run the natives as skirmishers rather than tribes (6per group rather than 12). Different folks have lobbied for this type of use and an article in the 2022 Lard Magazine has them set out as sneaking about the bush firing rather than a horde charging about the table. The game will be a very small scale (40+ figures per side) battle with light troops battling it out for the most part in the NE wilderness (of course contesting for Grey Hair's daughters).  

28 mm motorcycle                = 10 pts
28mm French cavalry ldr      =  2.5 pts
28mm natives 6@5              = 30

Total                                         42.5 pts

Temps above zero today which is a nice break from the subzero shite we have been having. 

Paint on and be well all.


TeemuL: Good job, Bruce! I guess the closest match for the motorcycle is cavalry. Bike and horse are quite the same (from scoring perspective) and the sidecar is like a rider. So ten points. No point problems on others, very neat paint job.The blue headlight might a reflection from the sea and screens can always go missing in the middle of the war. I like the colourful natives, too.


  1. Great work Burce, stay warm it's getting cold again after a brief respite for a day or too. I like them all, but perhaps like that motor-sickle best.

  2. Stunning brushwork Bruce, just wow.

  3. Beautiful brushwork Bruce. Love the French motorcycle base.

  4. A fab collection of figures, Bruce.

  5. Great stuff, love the motorbike

  6. Excellent work Bruce, those indians are great!

  7. Great sets of figures tody!

  8. stunning job on the bike, it would be hard to find better anywhere - well done

  9. Cracking set of figs, the bike looks the biz 👍
