Thursday 18 January 2024

From Kerry T - More plastics - Norman Light Cavalry (120 points)

Morning, afternoon & evening all.

I started last week's post by highlighting how warm it was here as its summer....

And with summer good things come about

Our first pick of Blueberries this year

I've never had any intention of crushing them with a pestle and mortar and adding the liquid to a bottle of Vallejo blue to make a true French Napoleonic uniform blue, I've been adding them to my cereal in the mornings, I love it when the garden fruit come into season.

Its been a busy week at work and instead of playing golf and painting yesterday on my day off I got swamped by a mountain of paperwork instead. Again my usual plan to display a hoard of figures has come unstuck and the PVA is only just drying on these bases. I'm hoping to get a chance tomorrow night to relax with a glass or two of wine and spend some quality time enjoying viewing what's been posted in the last 3 days. My apologies for not passing comments but I will get there

More cavalry again from me I'm afraid - Victrix Light Norman cavalry intended for use as generic forces for the Reconquista in Spain. At least it made the basing quicker

Shields from LBMS

There are some nice head variations in this box allowing a wide range of options

Don't look too closely I've just realised I've forgotten to paint the horses' eyes!

I just didn't have the time or energy to dot them in tonight - like these above I've hit the wall!

I really have enjoyed painting these Victrix plastics, I'll have more Normans painted up as Andalusians next week, the variations on the frames allow you to field them for several regions. They're great value

In summary 

12 Mounted figures at 12points = 120

No time to finish anything for bonus points this week but I did have some female figures arrive in the post today.

Best wishes and thanks for looking

From Millsy: That's a great looking crop of blueberries mate but they are nothing compared to your latest cavalry addition! Such a wonderfully painted crew and based to match. The blues in particular are really eye catching and will surely make these fine fellows pop on the table. Looking forward to the Andalusians now you have teased them... 120 points added to your total!


  1. Lovely painting and basing and tasty bluebs!

  2. The Calvary unit looks fantastic. Eyes, what eyes? The blueberries look wonderful. I suspect the ones I have at my grocery will not be quite so tasty.

  3. I often add blueberries on my morning porridge, but I guess it is too hot there to eat porridge. :) The cavalry looks good, especially the blues...

    1. Cheers Teemu, can't recall the paint recipe now though

  4. These are lovely, love the shields.

  5. Yum, loving those berries. Really nice work on this light cav. Lots of colour.

  6. Excellent cavalry Kerry and tasty looking produce. Enjoy.

  7. Great cavalry! And jealous of the fresh fruit! It's rather more blanket snow cover here, up north!

    1. Thank you, mote horses and probably plums to follow

  8. Kerry, the shields! They are magnificent, I mean so if everything on these plastics. I really like them.

    1. Thanks Shawn but they are transfers from Little Big Men studios

  9. As I watch the rain go sideways past the window, I don't envy your sunshine at all 😆 great figs mate 👍

    1. Thanks Ken, next time rather than Blueberries I'm going to take a picture of my Avos
