Thursday 18 January 2024

TomL: Cowabunga! Children's books (65pts)



No, it’s not Chief Thunderthud from Howdy Doody but the Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles led by their news reporter friend, April. 

All these figures are from the often-risqué, frequently NSFW, Brother Vinnie Miniatures. These were an impulse buy years ago when I was picking up some SAGA Vikings I had seen painted on LAF.  This fairly normal version of April will lead us via Sarah’s library cart to the kid’s section where her turtle buddies can peruse the books and eat the snacks Michelangelo snuck in when Leonardo wasn’t watching. 

The turtles are very nice dynamic resin sculpts but assembly was slightly stressful for my clumsy fingers. The delicate bandanas were particularly frustrating, and did I mention a bit delicate? Painted with contrast paints and foundry acrylics,  I attempted to follow the toy’s color scheme which differentiated each turtles skin color as well as bandanas.  

I read on the internet (obviously it must be true) this was to make it more obvious to the parents buying the toys which turtle was which and the cartoon used only one color as it was cheaper. Any excuse to use more colors works for me.


Points for this entry would be:

5 28mm figures:    25 points.

Sara's library cart:    20 points.

Children's Books:    20 points.

From Millsy: What a wonderful way to paint Ninja Turtles Tom! The way you have pushed the various skin tones to the max to make each one more distinct is brilliant and the contrasting head bands and other kit only highlights that more due to the vibrancy of your brushwork. Love em!



  1. Awesome work and a bodacious choice for a project. :) As a big fan of the original mirage comic and 80s TV show this brings a big smile to my face. I recently bought some TMNT miniatures, too. I'll try to get them painted up soon. Great job with the different turtle skin tones. In the mirage comics is was the dialogues and the weapons only that helped distinguish between them!

    1. I watched the show with my neice and nephew originally. I think I was supposed to be done other things while they watched it but ah well...

  2. Cowabunga these are great. I'm tempted to look into these but I shall wait till not at work if Brother Vinnies site is NSFW, thanks for the warning.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks. No idea what I will use them for but they were fun to paint.
