Thursday 18 January 2024

Sunny Thor's day

Yes, sunny, at least in theory it is possible now in whole Finland. Kaamos ended yesterday in the most northern part of Finland. What is kaamos and how it is related to sunny, I hear you ask. Well, the most northern parts of Finland are north of Arctic Circle. The more north you go, the longer the days are in the summer and shorter in the winter. And when you reach the Arctic Circle there is time, when there is no night or no day. In the most northern part of Finland this dayless day lasts for roughly 53 days. (Good, if you are a vampire.) And yes, there are people living there and tourists go there and so on. But now we are just waiting for the summer on nightless nigths (unfortunately I live in the south, where there is always a day and night, so I need to travel to experience this).

Next week I might need to post something related to Finnish cuisine, cuisine in general seems to be a popular trend now. In the other news, we had a sudden heat wave yesterday, temperature went up 20 degrees and is now at -3. Last night we got some 15cm of new snow. It is quite white out there.



The feeling of sunless days.

Finnish winters are long and dark. In Lapland, the sun doesn’t rise at all between December and January. In Finnish, this sunless period is called ‘kaamos’.

----- End of Finn talking about Finland -----

We should have some interesting entries from our Thor's Day crew today, too. Especially happy for the last three crew members (and couple of extras...), who managed to jump in just before the deadline. Yes, everyone. Very happy and proud of my team.

  • Let's start with NickY, his first Challenge and first post. He has painted a high elf hero, a high elf who it would be difficult to describe as "snooty". Yes, I have been practicing some English, I had to because of the Challenge topic descriptions. :) Regarding the Challenge topics, this entry is Overdues and Returns.
  • Then we continue with SteveA. Steve's first post on this Challenge is a group of cowboys and some wild west terrain. New Acquistions is the theme here.
  • And finally GrantH, who has been very busy with his army, but managed to finish his entry in the last minute. "You and what army?" I hear you ask, late war, and very fittingly claiming points from the Overdues and Returns topic with so many refenrences to "late."
  • Then the more familiar faces, starting with MartinC, who surprisingly offers us something Historical - who would have guessed? Not me.
  • BruceR will present pretty much everything on his elegant post, but no theme points here.
  • We have two special guests here, starting with the CurtC and he is continuing his exploration of Japan
  • Second special guest is presenting us a halfling and I shall not tell you why is a special guest. :)