Thursday 18 January 2024

From MartinC: Some Napoleonic Action [History] (135pts points)

So I've been away wargaming or a week in sorry York and bleak Scarborough playing Napoleonics. Fun but tiring, so not much painting done.

Quick peak at the main battle that was fought. We fought Waterloo for 4 days

10mm on a 24ftx6ft table. Thousands of figures. I was the allies given the task of holding Hougemont.

My forces were the Dutch, Belgians and Brunswickers under the command of Prince of Orange (whose best command rating was inept). I didn't get the guard so all my troops were the bottom 3 grades out of 6 levels. 

I held Hougemont for almost no time at all against veteran French Legere and the French just rolled us up. This is the end of the battle, me is squares facing the Old Guard! Nobody else on my side did any better

Where did my men go. Well to the matching table behind where they set of for Brussels asap.

Aside over, I have done some painting. 

28mm Russian Napoleonic Jager Battalion

These are Perry Miniatures
I've been painting Russians all summer so they have friends

8 infantry battalions, 4 jager battalions, 3 grenadier battalions, 3 dragoon regiments, 3 cossack regiments and plenty of artillery. I have 3 more grenadier battalions to paint, 2 Uhlan regiments and a Hussar regiment, plus a large general staff stand. Should keep me busy.

Scores on the doors

21 infantry = 105
1 mtd colonel = 10
Historical book section = 20

total = 135. 

Now I need a palette cleanser

TeemuL: If there is an excuse for not painting minis, I guess you have the perfect one. What a nice table and game there. Every now and then, when I used to play Age of Sigmar in our local group, and someone wanted just to try something new and wanted to have just 1000 points on 4x4 table, maybe something narrative, some of the "real players" were jokingly mocking them as "kiddie games" and 2000 points on a big 6x4 table is the only solution, with Matched Play rules of course. I'd like to see how they react to games like those you have. :)

And you were painting some minis, too. Excellent. I guess the Perry models are always a pleasure to paint and you have done them justice. And I expect to see more of them during the Challenge. 135 points it is, not bad result for being a week away...


  1. Love some 28mm Napoleonics. These look great.

  2. Hi great Perry Miniatures figures - just interested what Napoleonic rules do you use for 28mm? Cheers JezT

    1. Thanks. We've only just started playing. Tried Soldiers of Napoleon - interesting but not my type of game. We are trying Valour and Fortitude in a couple of weeks. If we don't like them it will be Black Powder, and so on until we find a dynamic set

  3. Great Perry Russians Martin. The week playing Waterloo looks fabulous.

    1. thanks, it was fun and involved too much drinking

  4. What a massive looking game! Love it. Great work on the Jaegers too. I want to see more.

    1. Cheers, game was ridiculous. Jagers finished, but grenadiers on the was

  5. Russians are great. Envious on the wargaming front.

  6. What a great looking game. Sad when it goes that one sided on you but it can be fun exploring historical events and why things turned out the way they did.

  7. The game looks amazing! As do your luvvly figures.

  8. Great looking game and very impressive to still be painting after such a marathon game!

    1. Thanks, only just managed the painting. Knackered

  9. Great looking game and very impressive to still be painting after such a marathon game!

  10. Whaaat? Tasked to hold Hougoumont, but without the Guards?! That's a hard row to hoe, buddy. Great looking Russians though!

    1. It was impossible. Most of my army were militia and were suitably useless. Ran off about turn 6, record is turn 22 - with the guard

  11. Those Russians look fine! The game looks simply amazing. Quite funny how Prince Williams always provokes such strong feelings. I quite think there may have been more to him than some think. Sigh. Otoh, with what you were given I am afraid even having Old Nosey would not have saved you... It looks like you thoroughly enjoyed yourself though, great!

    1. Cheers. Yes PoO makes a good pantomime villain. Game was good

  12. that's an epic looking game and well worth stepping out of the painting space for, and then you still got to post a regiment of foot really well done

  13. we're all jealous Martin, taht;s graet

  14. Good to see more pics of Gerrys set up and you managed to get some painting done as well !
