Thursday 19 March 2020

From RossM: 28mm Caesarian Romans Part 1 (39 points)

This is the first of two posts that are based around Caesarian Romans.

The two command stands shown below with figures from Warlord Games are for an ongoing project in 28mm: a DBA army for Caesar's Legions.

During Caesar's campaign in Gaul and Belgae a tactical defeat was turned into a strategic victory. Initially the Romans fared poorly however with some tactical changes and the timely arrival of reinforcements Caesar managed an away win, the result of which is known as the Battle of the Sabis.

The idea behind these command stands is that of the Roman centurion rushing forward to defend the Eagle as another legionnaire staggers to the standard with a vexillum. His colleague less fortunate, lies dead at his feet. This was to tie in with the Challenge Island location Benito's Brook.

On the first stand only the shield was painted during this year's challenge, the other figures where completed earlier last year.

I bow my head to anybody who hand paints more than one shield. Whilst not impossible; anymore than one is too many when there are so many excellent transfer available just now.

The wounded vexillum bearer and dead colleague where painted in the challenge and bring the thought behind the stands to "life".

The points so far

1 x 28mm shield - 1 point
1 x 28mm figure standing - 5 points
1 x 28mm figure, prone on ground 3 points
Benito's Brook bonus points - 30 points

Sub total - 39 points.

Running total:

307 - 61 % of Challenge target

Cheers for now

That's a great pair of vignettes Ross (even if one was painted before the Challenge...apart from the shield). 39 points it is, and I see you have another post in the queue.
