Thursday 19 March 2020

From Barks: Blackstone explorers (22 points)

I've been in isolation this week, waiting on a swab result which hopefully will come through today. I've used my time to attack these Blackstone Fortress explorers. I got started in December, but lost a bit of oomph as I was distracted by other projects and couldn't come up with satisfying schemes. But here we are:

Crusaders are, I think, nobles on religious quests. I would have preferred a more dynamic combat pose, since his role is to get into the thick of it and soak up damage.


This lady is a sanctioned psyker. Cool pose and lovely details, but she failed to spark joy. I might use her on my next expedition and see if my opinion changes.

Sanctioned psyker

X-101 is a weapons servitor. A lobotomised cybernetic slave, I went through so many colours for his cables before settling on all green! Now he's a combat pumpkin.


This guy is easily my favourite- a technoarchaeologist. He's got all these great steampunk brass bits and I really enjoyed painting him- so much so, I had to stop myself from looking at a Adeptus Mechanicus Kill Team! Maybe later.


This will be my last skull-containing post, so here's what I've painted for the winner of the Skully McSkullface side duel (whoever he or she may be): a servoskull of your own. Paul, please stay exactly where you are as we have detected increased levels of heresy and the Inquisition is coming to assist you.

4x28mm 20 points
1x servoskull 2 points

Skull-o-meter™: 17
Cumulative skullz: 200

Hope you get the all clear. As a minion you have worked out what a post is about before opening. Not this one. That 1st photo took me by surprise. These are absolutely brilliant, especially the Santa figure.


  1. Brilliant looking characters Barks. I'm with you the 'techarchivist' :) is a standout from a great group.

    1. Thanks, Curt! Keen to throw him into my adventures.

  2. Fantastic brushwork here. Great job Barks.

  3. Really well done here! Those Blackstone minis to my eyes are the best GW did in a long time.

    1. Their figures in the past 4-5 years have been exquisite.

  4. Terrific work, Barks. Blackstone Fortress is one of those games which I would really love to pick up one day - and your figures are doing nothing to stop me being tempted!! Awesome work, Sir!!!

    1. I’d love to see what you do with them!

  5. Lovely work Barks. I'd say but the lady psycker and the pumpkin guy out front as meat shields!

    1. I’ll be at the back, guarding the loot.

  6. Gorgeous work Barks. I do like that combat pumpkin.

    1. Just because they could weaponise squashes, doesn’t mean they should have.

  7. Gorgeous work as always! Lovely sculpts and splendid painting!
    Best Iain
