Thursday 19 March 2020

From ScottM: Stormtroopers! (147 Points)

For my last contribution to this year's challenge, I went with a large group of Star Wars Legion Stormtroopers. These are from Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Legion line.

There's 21 of these guys with 3 being commanders, 3 with missile launchers, 3 with repeating blaster rifles and the rest with blasters. A bit tedious to paint but once they're done they look pretty swell.

So that should be 21 x 40mm foot figs = 147 points

Thank you to Curt and his team for putting on a fun paint challenge and I look forward to next year!

SW Legion does seem to be a very popular theme for entries this year, and here are some more very nice chaps in white.



  1. Great looking stormtroopers!
    Best Iain

  2. Lovely work Scott. Mrs Scrivs has been doing three units of these for her forces.

  3. Great unit of Stormies for sure! If you have them firing all at once, you might have an actuall chance of hitting something ;-P

  4. Lots of white helmets and looking good!

  5. I think these are a struggle to paint- great work!
