Thursday 19 March 2020

From StephenS: The Colonel Arrives At O'Grady's Gulch (40 points)

My offering to O'Grady's Gulch is a nice way to finish off the challenge as the said O'Grady is a member of our little gaming club (and is as generous as his island location suggests). I know Paul will  agree with me that our fellow club mate and friend, John, is also someone who gives just as selflessly.

This little offering of mine is a small way of saying thank you for all the times John (and his lovely wife, Robyn) have put into hosting our club members since our inception. His stories and culinary skills keep us heartily entertained, and his generosity is always apparent, whether putting on a gaming day or organising festive meet-ups.

I know John has been enjoying playing games of Sharpe Practice set in the Napoleonic Peninsula War, so my offering is a British Colonel on campaign there. Whether he gets a run with his fellow Redcoats, is attached to the Spanish irregulars John has been painting or used as a target for his newly acquired French, I hope he will find a place on the table somewhere.

The Colonel is a 28 mm metal figure from Warlord Games, and along with the bonus points, should be 40 points.



That's a very nice looking officer Stephen; I'm sure John will be pleased to add him to his collection.


  1. That's a great looking figure Steve.

  2. Super looking Colonel!
    Best Iain

  3. What a nice gesture and a great figure!

  4. That is a fabulous figure and a wonderful gift for John.

    Now, (heading to the laptop) I think I need to get me one of those for my collection...

  5. Lovely work 9n this battered Colonel! Your mate is very lucky.

  6. A great figure, great paintjob and great gesture! Must say that I find the model slightly un-British-looking. A French imposter perhaps? But a terrific figure nonetheless.

  7. Thank you Stephen for those kind words and this MAGNIFICENT British officer. He is just what I need to stare down those dastardly French.
    Looks like the beers will be on me when we are allowed to socialise again.
