Thursday 19 March 2020

From MarkB: Grotbags Greenskins for the Snow Lord's Challenge

It’s been pretty testing as a teacher this week so it has been good to escape for an hour every night behind a paint brush to unwind. The Snow Lord has demanded a unit of Orcs for the final challenge. It’s hardly a huge unit... but in WFB 3rd edition you needed a minimum of five figures in a unit and I’m afraid with fairly unprecedented challenges this week that’s all I’ve managed.

So I introduce Grotbag’s green skins. Grotbags is a classic Citadel figure from the 1980’s from Ugezogs death commandos box set. She is a Half- Orc witch. I tried to give her a fleshy green colour. She came out greener than expected - hence her name Grotbags! British readers of a certain age will recognise this as the name of Rid Hull and Emu’s arch nemesis from 1980s kids tv!

She is supported by her bodyguard of classic plastic Orc figures. These are more of the classic Warhammer Regiments plastic Orcs. This time I’ve swapped some of their heads for some old Space Orc ones. The drummer is a metal figure dropping a fat beat on his goblin hide drum!

I did have her pet painted too. Again an old school 1980s Manticore that she has binded to her with her diabolical magic! This was rather fun to paint and will create a fearsome weapon to terrify her enemies!

I guess it’s my last post of the challenge. It’s been huge fun! Thanks to Curt and all the minions for being such great hosts. A pity I can’t count Grotbags as a Sarah’s balloon ride as well as this would be my frequent flyer!

So that’s 5 x 28mm figures = 25 points
1 x Manticore = 10 points?
Snow Lords Challenge = 30 points
Total = 65 points


Ahh, this is just terrific, Mark! I know I'm dating myself here, but I fondly remember these figures from thumbing though White Dwarf in the mid 80s. Brilliant stuff. The head swaps are excellent - I especially like addition of the manticore pet (yeeash - I wouldn't want to pick up after that!) and the greenskin with the rusted horned helmet - a very Frazetta-esque look that! I hope this group provides a good (bad?) basis for a larger unit down the road.

As to your prize, I'm delighted to award you with Noel's wonderfully creepy but nattily dressed Nosferatu vampire. 

Great work Mark! Thanks very much for taking on the challenge of Snow Lord's Peak and for participating in this year's Challenge. I hope we see you back for the next edition.



  1. Brilliant work, Mark, and some fantastic memories from the 1980s! They're all terrific, but Grotbags is knocking the ball out of the Orc Camp!!

  2. Nice one Mark. Some classic figures there.

  3. Super looking old school Orcs,Grotbag is ace!
    Best Iain
