Thursday 19 March 2020

From RossM - 15mm Wars of the Roses (156 points)

Final post for this year's challenge sees the completion of a DBA army in 15mm.

The Wars of the Roses DBA 2.0 army in 15mm from Gladiator Miniatures without options comprising of 1 element of Knights, 4 elements of Blades, 6 elements of Bows and 1 Art.

An element of hand gunners has snuck in to the picture taking the force beyond the 12 elements for the army, 

The flags are from Citadel Six and are self adhesive that I placed on thin paper before gluing in place on the lances. The colours are for Buckingham's retinue and somewhere safe there are also some for Oxford's retinue. 

Buckingham's Retinue

Oxford's Retinue - sorry for lousy pic

An additional elements of cavalry, Light Artillery and spearmen for the continuation of this army into a 200 point ADLG force. 

Additional Knights and Cavalry elements beside Buckingham's mounted Knights. 

The first of three command stands for the ADLG army using up the odd figures here and there. 

This completes my Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge X for 2019-20 and I am pleased with the figures painted and the different styles of painting used and results achieved. 

The points so far

9 x 15mm Cavalry - 36 points
55 x 15mm Infantry - 110 points
2 x 15mm Artillery - 8 points

Giving a total of 154 points for this army. 

The running total 

594 points or 118.9 % of the Challenge total achieved!

Cheers for now

This ia a fine way to complete your challenge. This is a lovely looking army and there will be a flag bonus, just to bugger up your maths



  1. Finishing your Challenge with a complete (albeit DBA-small) army? Unheard of! Nice work Ross and congrats on beating your target. :)

  2. Fantastic work, Ross! Great way to end any Challenge, and particularly well done in this one!

  3. What a great way to end up - above your target and with a full DBA army completed. Love the bombard!

  4. Thanks everyone, greatly appreciated.

    Cheers, Ross
