Monday 25 January 2021

PaulS: The Laboratory (25 points)

 Things have been a bit slow this week, but we're closing in on the Alter of the Snowlord!

The next chamber in the dungeon is full of bubbling... things. I cannot tell what they are for they are of strange hue and temperament. Within the chamber is a figure in a long white coat, with a mechanical backpack and disturbing complexion who seems to know things about the makeup of the body that one should not...

The Genestealer Biophagus is going to be the medic for my Necromunda Genestealer cult. I wasn't a massive fan of the original staff, so a little bit of cutting and he has somehow come into the possession of a slightly battered imperial guard medpack


  1. This guy looks great! I like the contrast between the yellow boots and lab coat.

  2. What a superb model! Well done!

  3. That is a brilliant mini. I love the yellow boots!

  4. Super wierd, Steampunk thingy with yellow boots, whats not to like 👍

  5. The GW Genestealer cultist figures are so cool, and I love this guy - whacky, menacing...fits so well into the 40k setting. Great work.

  6. I really like this guy Paul and your addition of the medipack is great! I find that many of the simplest conversions I do are the best too :-)

  7. Nice work on this fully licensed (I'm sure) medical professional.

  8. Super looking medic,the vaccinator!
    Best Iain

  9. That medpack is lovely! I prefer this to the staff as well. Three skullz!
