Thursday 11 March 2021

From PaulSS: [The Laboratory] Fellows of the Royal Society (45pts)

The Laboratory: From bubbling glass jars to smoking bunsen-burners, from Dr Frankenstein’s experimentation chamber to a alchemist’s study - laboratories and scientific figures, terrain and vignettes are the things created in this Challenge Chamber.

When I first read the Chambers of Challenge rules I knew exactly what to do for this one. 

Brigade games do a pack of French Scientists for their Napoleon in Egypt range and I thought they both fitted into my main theme of painting 28mm Napoleonics and would be perfect for this.

The first fellow of the society has rather a military bearing with the sash and cut of his jacket, maybe he is a retired military gentleman who is now pursuing his interest in natural philosophy. He has appointed himself leader of this expedition.

The second gentleman is probably my favourite of the set. He sits writing down his thoughts, so I thought the telescope from the Wizkids navigation set would be a useful addition.

The large area of the notebook he holds is really suitable for even my iffy motor skills to map out some text and diagrams as he records his findings.

The legs of the scope had to be broken off and reattached as they were at so steep an angle the thing looked awkward and would likely have easily broken.

For the lens I use the same 'non-glassy-glass" technique that I used in truck windows for my 20th century stuff. I really like how this figure came out.

The final pair of fellows are examining artifacts at the workbench, dragged out of some tavern to the site of their investigations. 

The chap in the green coat seems to be holding a very early model gold Nokia 3300 while the chap in the grey coat has arrived with a satchel of new finds.

The bench and tools are from the aptly named Workbench and Tools from Wizkids, as the figures are quite small and the bench quite large I chopped down the legs a little.

I really enjoyed turning these out and they will hopefully see some usage in our Sharpe Practice games.

Four 28mm figures plus I think another five is fair for the workbench and telescope and the location bonus will add 45 points to my total.

28mm Napoleonics Duel Totalizer: 28 mounted, 141 foot, 3 guns, 1 boat.


  1. Really cool Paul! I didn't know these figures excisted but they are well worth looking into!
    Your painting, as always, is impeccable.

    1. Thank you Sander, the Brigade has some great figures.

  2. Very interesting and unique post - will look great on the tabletop! Cheers Jez

  3. Great looking entry! Fits the chamber perfectly and your non glass,glass is excellent!
    Best Iain

  4. Those are wonderful Paul. They look just like my colleagues!

  5. Those are Excellent! great work.

  6. I really like these Paul. I'd love these for my own collection.
