Friday 23 December 2022

From TeemuL: Murin & Drar [Casting Couch] (30 points)

Greetings from Finland! It has been raining for few days here, but couple of minutes ago wind turned it is snowing now. Temperature should go below 0 Celcius, so we might actually get a White Christmas again. You might remember my temporary hobby area from my intro text... I have now moved to secondary temporary hobby area, since living room was cleaned for Christmas. I now do the hobby in the remote work area, which luckily is available during the holiday season. I just need to get some proper light there.

In this Challenge I'm not focusing on Squirrels, I'm focusing on one of my Ikea boxes, labeled Dwarfs and Rohan plus Mithril miniatures, and putting too much effort to bend the Studios rules to fit with my entries... Here are the first two minis from the box, two dwarf adventurers called Murin and Drar (with some accents). Metal miniatures in 28mm scale from Games Workshop for their Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game, they were available a few years ago in Made to Order after dropping off from the regular range.

Casting Coach, you say? Just look at the end credits of some movie or series and you get the casting, this does not count for Casting Coach, this is just ridiculous grabbing of points which you already have a dark history from last Challenge! Alas, I have covered my back this time, I hope. You see, these two guys are 3rd Age adventurers of Middle-Earth, but they are created by Games Workshop for their game, they have not been casted (pun intended) to look like some silver screen star. Yes, they are not from the movies or series, but they could make a nice spin-off movie - once casted, of course.

They don't even belong to any army or faction (other than Good side), although can be allied with many, so I was quite free to choose my colours for them. While I'm almost obsessed to paint some red on my Old World dwarfes, I'm almost obsessed to not paint anything red on my Middle-Earth dwarfes. They are kind of dwarf rangers, so I chose some earthly colours, but also wanted to tie them with my Khazad-Dum army, so some bright green and light blue was added, those colours also make them pop up a bit, which is good for heroes on the table top. I have used Citadel paints, not Contrasts, just the old fashioned way on these. There are some washes and some drybrushing/highlighting, but not much. Bases are sand, painted, washed and drybrushed to brown as is my usual recipe for LotR minis.

"Here we are at the Casting Coach, currently we are trying to fill the roles of Murin and Drar for a movie called 'Wild Wandering Adventures of Murin and Drar during the time of Lord of the Rings'. We are planning to shoot for 100 days in New Zealand to get proper realism to the movie and then spend 300 days here in our studios to edit everything to look even more real. We are hoping to get a box office hit for summer 2024 season and grab couple of Oscars from our soundtrack!"

Participation fee

That is two 28mm miniatures and location bonus for 30 points!

Now I just need to convince my conscience to allow posting some Middle-Earth minis for World Cinema, because they actually are not from where I live...


Welcome to the Challenge, Teemu!

Thank you for the donation to the Living Sky Wildlife Rehab. I know it will be very much appreciated by the animals taking refuge there this winter.

Great looking Dwarves! I like the vibrant green as an accent. Your interpretation for 'Casting Coach'(?) is, um, original, and I very much hope we hear more of the production of the 'Wild Wanderings Adventures of Murin and Drar during the time of Lord of the Rings'.  :)

- Curt


  1. Thank you, Curt! As English is my second language, I might have misspelled Couch... :) There should be msny more adventures for these two in the Wilderness.

    1. No, worries. As Martin points out, most of us English speakers are hopeless with spelling, diction and cognition!

  2. Nice work. Don't worry about your English, most of us native speakers are borderline illiterate anyway

    1. Thanks Martin! I just usually am very precise with my spelling. :)

  3. Nice pair of dwarves, Teemu! :)

  4. Great dwarfs Teemu, can't wait to see what you do next.

  5. Great figures and a compelling colour scheme, good job Teemu!

  6. Awesome looking dwarves. And they would probably make for a better movie/series than the Rings of Power series.

    1. It could be, but I guess the movie from this Challenge will be at least "creative" and open for "possibilities".

  7. Great pair of dorfs - I'd watch that movie.

  8. hoi Teemu, great tomsee these heroic Dwarf characters done up in your own recognisable style, well done!

  9. Really Dwarves Teemu. Nice to see one with a bow for a change.

    1. GW's Middle Earth Dwarves are usually using bows, crossbows are used by uruk-hai.

  10. Great Dwarfs! One never have enough in an Warhammer army

  11. Great stuff Teemu its always good to see dwarves

  12. I think the "Casting Coach" was traditionally the studio exec that... oh never mind. Great looking models there Teemu.
