Friday 23 December 2022

From: GeoffreyT: Forbidden Psalm Monsters (Under Construction) (65 points)

 Hello Challengers,

I have jumped straight into the themed rooms with some of my newly constructed monsters.  Forbidden Psalm is an Indy game and miniatures agnostic, as such there isn't a lot commercially available for some of the odd denizens within, so I set to work to construct some myself.  It is kind of medieval fantasy pre-apocalyptic horror theme, from the world of Mork Borg (Dark Tower), a Swedish RPG. 

These six are from the core rulebook and the first expansion, but there are still more I need to construct.

They are all nominally 28mm scale, but vary in size from 125mm to about 15mm.  They also vary in the method used for construction.

The biggest boy is 'the corpse collector' a giant monster who collects victims and stores them on the spikes of his back (from the core rulebook).  This chap is made mostly of polymer clay over an aluminium-foil and wire armature.   The victims are a mix of green-stuff and spare model kit bits, he has hands made from wire and hot glue, toothpicks for spikes and the loin cloth is a paper receipt.

 I gave him an exaggerated hunched posture, as he stoops a lot whilst looking for victims to collect.

Here is a top view of the victims

The fearsome visage front on.  The face is reproduced from the cover of the core rulebook.  At a whopping 125mm tall he dwarfs the other monsters.

The next two monsters are also from the rule book, and are also quite big. 

On the left is the Feasting Wendigo (40mm tall) and on the right the Afanc (65mm long).  The feasting Wendigo is a kind of sinuous undead thing, so I made the body from wrapping a fine wire around a heavy wire armature.  The Afanc is your typical beaver-crocodile-demon, made from plastic dinosaur toys.  Its body is from a plesiosaur, with chopped up bits for the tail and head.

From side on you can see the Wendigo's hands, which were the legs of a plastic halloween spider.

The face of the Wendigo is some sort of skull from a GW spare bit.  Maybe it was a banner top.

I was particularly pleased with the Wendigo.  Both these two are inspired from modelling techniques shown on "Bill Making Stuff" you-tube channel.  

We scale down further to the next size, where we have three monsters from "In the footsteps of the mad wizard" expansion.  From left to right we have "The Mutant Chicken of Kolkoroth",  "Aderyn y Corph" and "The Rat King"

The birds are about 15mm tall, and the rat-king 25mm across.  These are sculpted from 'grey-stuff' epoxy putty over a copper wire armature. 

The Mutant Chicken of Kolkoroth wears a pink tutu and has laser beam eyes.

The Rat-King is ten rats with their tails knotted together, where they become a single entity with special psychic rat powers.

The song of the Aderyn y Corph (corpse bird) heralds the death of the towns leader.  Here I kind of made it a scrawny half dead looking thing.

Well, lets get to the points.  They are all so disparate in size, that the claim is debatable.

Perhaps we call the corpse collector equivalent to a 28mm scale vehicle, and say the rest are 28mm scale on average.  With the 'under construction' bonus theme claimed as these are part of a project to hand build all the weird monsters I need for Forbidden Psalm.

Points Summary:

Corpse Collector = 20 points

5 x 28mm figures = 25 points

Under Construction Bonus = 20 points

Total = 65 points.

Kind Regards



First, welcome to the Challenge Geoff!

I think these beasties are absolutely terrific. Full disclosure: I'm a big fan of Mork Borg. In fact I'm running a small campaign in which we're playing a session tonight, so this entry helps get me in the mood for the game. I love your home-made creations, especially your Corpse Collector and the Wendigo. I really like that you've done your own interpretation of the art in the book. So creative and fabulous. I'm fine with your points assessment, but I'm going to give you a bit extra for the bespoke nature of these models.

Inspiring work!

- Curt


  1. Quite a collection of weird creatures!

  2. These look great. Love the shading on the red.

  3. Great painting but really weird

  4. I'm not a fantasy guy, but I must admitt these models are original and distinctive indeed. Excellent paint work

  5. Great monsters, Geoffrey! Welcome to the Challenge! :)

  6. Great creativity and originality, what a start, Geoff!

  7. Super collection of monstrosity. Is the big red monster using those spikes to store its victims? Creepy.

  8. Great stuff, that’s a huge hulking brute. And a croc beaver hybrid?

  9. That's great such creativity is admirable

  10. Thank you all, I'm glad you like these oddities. They were a heap of fun to make, and the open source nature of the Mork Borg world is very inspirational for creativity of all sorts.

  11. Nice work Geoff - creepy AF.

  12. Very nice, Geoff! The brushwork is grand, but I'm more impressed with the homemade custom figures. Very well done!
