Tuesday 17 January 2023

From Curt: Kushite Warriors (and 'pets') for World Cinema (60 Points)

Our 'World Cinema' location asks for something that is 'elsewhere from where you live'. Well, as I look at our snow covered environs I can think of nothing more 'elsewhere' than a bunch of half-naked desert dwellers, a lion, and a passel of African baboons capering around Egypt.

Lady Sarah on the pier overlooking Regina's (frozen) Wascana Lake.

Yep, here we have a group of fierce Kushite warriors, along with their even fiercer house pets. I saw these on the Footsore Miniature website and had to get a set. 

I understand that the warriors of Kush would wear animal hides and paint their bodies with vermillion and white ash - now, really, how much more fashion-forward can you get? Seriously though, I quite like the high-contrast effect of the white alongside the red. I think I may need more of these...

I don't know how the whole half-starved-lion-on-a-leash-thing worked, but I have a hunch that it probably resulted in a lot of OH&S paperwork from partially eaten handlers. 

Apparently the Kushites used baboons like guard dogs. Recalling my recent viewing of 'Planet of the Apes', I'm thinking, 'What could possibly go wrong?'  For a bit more colour, I decided to do these three up as Mandrills with their distinctive red and blue faces (though they are on the wrong side of Africa to be entirely correct, but let's not get hung up on specifics). 

These four Kushite warriors, three baboons and a lion should give me a base of 40 points, plus another 20 for the 'World Cinema' studio. That gives me my four Green locations, allowing me to enter the Blue Security Zone. Hmm, lots of choices ahead!

Thanks for stopping by, and thanks again to Tamsin for letting me sneak in with her Tuesday Terrors. 

Have a great rest of the week!

- Curt

Hurrah! I get to minion my first Showlord post today! I must confess that from my first glance at the first photo I thought he might have sneaked in a fantasy were-lion figure, but quickly realised that it was a chap wearing a lion skin (and head) outfit. Gorgeous work as always, boss! As for the mandrills on the wrong side of the continent, perhaps the Kushites had just painted the baboons' face red and blue?


ps you forgot to add the "world cinema" label, so I did that for you.


  1. Nice work on these lads and pets Curt. That is in deed a Tawny Scrawny Lion. Can we expect you and the Lady to be trotting about with similar animal companions?

    1. Thanks Peter. I think that Oscar and Felix, understandably not wanting to be lunch, would have something to say about that. :)

  2. That's some great painting there Curt. I am currently trying to get warm under a blanket and your photo has just made me feel even colder! Oh my days! Roll on summer!

    1. I hear you Peter. I can't wait to get on the back deck without wearing a parka.

  3. That's some damn fine painting Curt!

  4. these are spectacular, love the body paint

    1. Thanks Martin! I really enjoyed doing the body paint. It was just supposed to be the lion and handler, but I got caught up and pulled more figures to do. A slippery slope!

  5. Lovely painting Curt. As for tactics - does wearing a lion skin work? I mean, something on a leash that's hungry does have options other than going forward. Feels like there could be some unfortunate friendly fire situations.

    1. Yep, my thoughts exactly, and the reason for my OH&S comment. I suspect they gave that 'weapons team' a very wide berth. :)

  6. Thanks for shepherding me through, Tamsin. :)

  7. Outstanding brushwork as always Dude, excellent work.

  8. Fabulous Curt, loving the baboons and the lion skin is excellent


  9. Very evocative - I wonder is this a new army or project for you Curt? Amazing painting and basing. Any chariots on the painting table?
    Cheers Jez

    1. Thanks Jez. No, this was an indulgent whimsy as I liked the figures and the historical background. I wonder if SAGA will have rules for them in the future as I could maybe wrap my head around doing a few more.

  10. Fabulous work again, Curt. I particularly liked the lionminder and his pet!

    1. That was the original set that attracted me. The rest of the figures (and there are more) inexplicably fell into the cart...

  11. Great looking set of African fauna. I love the colours you've used on the Kushite warriors, very fashionable indeed.

  12. Well that's certainly a different look and great to have a chance to experiment with animal pelts which came out really well, I hope you get a chance to actually use them in combat (+3 points for warrior baboons!)

    1. I know, I have a few more packs (why, I don't know), so perhaps I should think of a use for them. Maybe SAGA?

  13. Lovely and unusual stuff Curt and so well painted - next up I think you should paint a cape or uniform in the same colours as Sarah's handbag!

    1. Thank you Kerry. Sarah's handbag is a much prized Vivienne Westwood (who recently passed away), so perhaps a homage to her design may be in order (but it's damnably complex!).

  14. Splendid finish as always on an unusual post!
    Best Iain

  15. Most excellent (can one still say that nowadays?) Kushite Warriors Curt! The brushwork is very considered, crisp and effective. I have to ask, was the decision not to take a photo from the rear (I'm thinking Baboons here) a strategic decision

    1. Yes, I was trying to be considerate of their modesty. :)

  16. Curt the colors really compliment the figures. Great work and subject.
