Tuesday 17 January 2023

From Kerry T - Spot the Ringlet leader [Historical Drama; B&W; Limo] (215 points)

 Morning, afternoon & evening all.

Its been a busy week at work so I've had a quiet week after a points bomb last week. Still I've managed to get a few things done and managed to get to another studio this week. However after visiting this I'm now under no illusions that my dashing good looks are now fading. I have so many wrinkles that I have to screw my hat on, joints that creak so loud that I have no hope of creeping up and scaring the living daylights out of someone. Thus rather sadly I've come to the conclusion that not even with a mountain of filler, with an oil drum rather than a syringe of Botox and gallons of hair dye that my dream of starring on the silver screen will never become reality. Sniff, snivel, wail, sniff

Being grey these days I first tried the Black & White studio and despite being complemented on my near likeness to Bella Lugosi I was politely but firmly asked to move on. While there I took a few snaps.....

A figure given to me at Eureka Miniatures by Nic a few years ago

In glorious technicolour

Don't you just bloody hate Freshers' week!

Old, tired an bedraggled my feet would not propel me any further so I lay down in the middle of the road for a rest. I must have dozed off and woke to the screeching of brakes and an awful din. Yes I thought, I've been rediscovered and my hopes soared as I thought once more of those glittering lights, the promenade at Cannes and the Oscars.....

A nice lady called Sarah kindly offered me a lift in her car, I think I've met her before on board a yacht somewhere, she looks familiar somehow. She's going to drop me off somewhere I think, anywhere I like it seems but I don't seem to be able to make up my mind though. That bloody driver though told me to hurry up and make my mind up, can't drive around in circles you know, haven't got all day., I've got a forum to run you know.. He was a bit curt I think😀

These are the "Gallant ladies"from Bloody Miniatures though I've added the Axe wielding maniac from the "Village people" range to make them into a squirrel

Can you spot which one is the Ringlet leader?

My wife thought that was an awful joke so I'll get my coat

Oh look ladies bottoms! Curt what sort of forum is this?

After having strutted around before we started on the 21st December telling anyone that would listen that "my codpiece is bigger than yours" I thought it was about time I made a start of some Italian Wars figures. Some Perry Miniatures mounted crossbowmen to be precise.

What no standard?

Not a standard in sight and Perry miniatures and all

Not even round the back?

This is where I have to confess that I made 2 errors. These figures are meant to be part of Giovanni delle Bande Nere Condotta. I've already painted a small pike block and wanted some cavalry to accompany them so I kept a flag or two.

 As usual I painted all 24 horses - only to then realise that I only bought 12 riders (doh). Perry sell the metal riders separately and you buy plastic horses for them but I miscalculated. The reason that there are no command figures is that they were going to come from the Light Cavalry box. I ordered 2 boxes in early December and thankfully they arrived this morning with part of the order having arrived last week. So I'll need to paint the rest some other time

Valleyboy was here

In Summary I've manged 4 green studios - Under construction, High Adventure, World Cinema and now Black & White

For this entry

5 x 28mm Foot figures @ 5 points = 25
12 x 28mm Cavalry @ 10 points = 120
Black & White studio @ 20 points
Lady Sarah's Limousine @ 20 points
Total = 180 points

Squirrels - 2 (17th Century civilians & Italian wars condotta)
Total so far 9 (Dwarves, Dark Age carts, ECW Parliament & Royalist, Arab Crusades, Arab WW1, VBCW BUF)

And at last an opening Codpiece and Ostrich Feather entry at 120 points

Many thanks

That's a fabulous set of entries, Kerry! At least those freshers only stuck a traffic cone on the statue and didn't do something weird like adding random grass tufts...

You seem to have forgotten to claim points for the statue - I'll count it as a 28mm mounted figure.

As for your map - great idea with the figures on the studios they've been counted for. And I've just spotted my mistake from last week - I should have given you the "Historical Drama" bonus as well as you would have needed to go through there to get from High Adventure to World Cinema. As your ladies this week are clearly historical and somewhat dramatic, I'll correct my error with this post.



  1. Very smart work Kerry. I might be reflecting a little bias here but I do love the Condotta!

    1. Cheers Darrel, I've been holding off my Italian warts stuff as I'm waiting for bases

  2. Not a points bomb, but not too bad either this week. Great entry allover and very nicely painted

  3. There are some nice miniatures here, Kerry! And a complex backstory, too. :)

    1. Cheers Teemu, I've had a lot of practice at bullshitting!

  4. Great stuff Kerry. Love the ladies and the crossbows. You torture your family with horrible puns, you may have found your people on the Challenge.

    1. Thanks- you haven't heard my "dad" jokes yet

  5. Very nice painting there Kerry!

    1. Thanks, trying hard but its a strain on the eyes!

  6. Nice entry Kerry - 215 is also a points bomb in my book!

    1. Cheers Peter, cavalry a;ways helps knock up the total I think along with Tamsin's generosity

  7. Not to be curt, but those mounted crossbowmen are the dogs bollocks. Love the Ringlettes as well. Those models are ace.

    1. Thanks Curt - until I started painting them I hadn't realised how well sculpted Bloody Miniatures are

    2. Yes, they are brilliant models - I love how chunky they are. I have a bunch of them sitting in their online cart, waiting for the postal strike to work itself out. I'm a big union supporter, but I have to say I'm getting a little impatient for my toy soldiers (perhaps some more perspective is needed). :)

  8. I really like the scenic photos- very nice and inspiring to look at.

    1. Thanks, I'm just not clever enough to use other backgrounds and manipulate them on PC

  9. Great stuff Kerry, some fine looking chaps there, especially like the statue!


    1. Cheers Matt, the plinth is a few plastic bases glued together would like to have had more time to add plastic weapons to it

  10. Very nice work, Kerry. Not a lot done, he said, before submitting more points’ worth than I ever managed at all 😂. Well done!

    1. Thanks I just prefer painting to watching TV

  11. And a big thank you once again to you Tamsin

  12. Splendid post, love the Italian wars mounted crossbowmen, guess I should start assembling mine!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, would be good to see how somebody else does them
