Tuesday 17 January 2023

From Richard P - WSS Bavarian Boismorel Grenadiers (90 Points)

Ok i'm finally off and running! After a recent family illness and subsequent bereavement which has seen me travelling backwards and forwards to the Isle of Wight I managed to finish off my first submission to this years event. I had planned to get a lot more done by the end of the first month of the project but alas real life decided that was not to be. Hopefully now things are beginning to settle down I will be able to get back on track.

So first up is a unit of 18 Front Rank miniatures painted up to represent the Boismorel Grenadiers at the Schellenberg. The plan with this project is to create units that can represent Battalions for big battles using Beneath the Lily Banners rules but at the same time allow the figures to be used for a Sharp Practice campaign so I decided that I would have units of 18 figures each consisting of 16 foot (2 x 8 figure units for SP2) plus 2 figures that can be used as leaders for Sharp Practice. The only thing I have yet to sort out are the Standard Bearers as in SP2 they don't really feature but it would be nice to add a flag or two to each Battalion when they are being used for Beneath the Lily Banners. 

After a bit of experimentation to try and replicate the coat colour in the image below I eventually settled on a Black Red (VMC) base highlighted with a 50/50 mix of Black Red and Gory Red (GC) and finishing with a final highlight of Gory Red. I am quite pleased with the finished result. 

18 x 28mm Figures = 90 Points 

In before the cut! And with such glorious grenadiers - I'd say that you've managed a very close match to that red. 90 points sees you comfortably onto the leaderboard!



  1. Sorry for your loss Richard.

    Love the lace wars troops, they look really nice. I am curious about the headgear. You describe them as grenadiers but they don't have the lovely fur hats in the picture. Did this unit not wear them?

    My family and I go to the Isle of Wight every two years unless delayed by pandemics. For the rest of them its a cheap week away, for us it's a $5-10,000 week at the lake.

    1. Many thanks 👍 From what I understand they wore both. So I may add a couple with fur hats at some stage.

  2. these are stunning. Sorry to hear about your loss

  3. Sorry for your loss. Fine looking unit - looking forward to seeing more of your lace warriors. The colours are spot on.

  4. My condolences, Richard, on your family's loss.

    A lovely looking unit of grenadiers. I really like the deep, rich red you achieved with them. Well done.

  5. Sorry for your loss, Richard.
    These are good looking minis, the colour choice looks very close!

  6. Very sorry for your loss Richard.
    This unit looks lovely - truly, Front Rank figures are just lovely, a treat to paint, and to see painted so nicely.

  7. My condolences Richard.

    Lovely looking work


  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. My condolences, Richard. Perhaps the hobby can provide some distraction or consolation, I wish you as much. Your Bavarians look great!

  10. Condolences Richard but this is a great first submission, very real and lived in colours

  11. Condolences and best wishes Richard, glad to see you made the deadline and with such a lovely red on those figures

  12. Sorry for your loss, great looking grenadiers!
    Best Iain

  13. My condolences Richard. Those Bavarian Grenadiers are looking excellent. I think you have the uniform hue just right.

  14. Many thanks everyone for your kind comments. Emjenic you are right the hobby and the wargames community have been a great help.
