Tuesday 17 January 2023

From SanderS: Vorwärts Ostländer! (30 points)


When planning this year's Challenge I decided to paint two kinds of figures: figures I am painting for others (as part of a commission) and stuff I really liked doing or felt like painting. So no complete armies or projects or the like. A true free for all in as much as takes my fashion. Arthur and myself have been playing a lot of Mordheim lately as it's really quick, has a brilliant atmosphere and a very good campaign system. So I dug up some of my old unpainted Mordheim figures, to whit a 6 man Ostlander warband. Now I obtained these as part of a larger lot for a very reasonable price and I remember thinking how lucky I was to get these figures for such a bargain back then. Upon prepping them for painting, I had a better look at them and got the distinct idea these are actually recasts. They are pretty 2 dimensional and look as if the mould halfs weren't aligned properly. 

The bases are done with a Greenstuff world roller to get the stone look done with some grey stuff modelling putty.


The green I used was a present from Arthur and is Son's of Horus green (or whatever GW has decided to call it. 

At the moment I am playing a Dwarf Treasure Hunter Warband and am making several other ones so am not altogether sure whether I will be using this Ostlander band myself, but I do like to have options.

Mordheim has a special place in my heart as a gamer as I played many a game way back in the day it was just released and am now mightily enjoying it with the Lad. I would love to have a Sisters of Sigmar warband, but they sell for insane prices at the moment and so I will be content with the others I still have lying around in various stages of completness. More Mordheim is therefore sure to follow here.

These 6 miniatures will gain me another 30 points.

Cheers Sander

Nice looking bunch of Mordheim figures, Sander!



  1. I love Mordheim; I have only played it a couple of times in the past 10 years though, despite building a bunch of terrain specifically for it. Great to see some figures for the game getting some attention.

    1. Thanks, it's a great game that still has a large following and if you're interested go and have a look at broheim.com all rules and publications are available for free there.

    2. Thank you, I have checked out Broheim and the Mordheim F*cebook group is one of the busier war gaming groups; a testament to the games continued popularity.

  2. Excellent work on these somewhat 'slim' figures, Sander. :) Mordheim is a wonderful game and I think it's great that you're experiencing a renaissance of it through playing it with Arthur. I wonder if there are some Sigmarite Sisters as stl files?

    1. Cheers Curt, the Anycubic Vyper is running day and night to make terrain. I do not have a resin printer (yet) but stl's might be the Way indeed....

  3. I'm not a fantasy guy but the paint work is outstanding

  4. Those came out very nicely, love the guy toting the saker as a hand gun.

    1. yeah he will have some bruised ribs after firing it at the least!

  5. Great looking figures, despite their lacking in the third dimension. I have been tempted by Mordheim for a while, and seeing these just might be the tipping point.

    1. if it's the figures and their prices holding you back the plastic kits from Frostgrave and Fireforge gaming are incredibly versatile and very usefull for making all sorts of warbands

  6. Great job Sander - fine painting, and you convey the jolt of joy that hobby nostalgia provides!

    1. exactly Greg! It brings me right back to my late teenties who could ask for more?

  7. Mordheim was possibly one of the best systems produced by GW. Still holds up today. Love these models you've painted.

    1. it was, but at least they are bringing back the Old World so who knows?

  8. Fun figures - great painting.

  9. Loving those, really nice additions to your Mordhiem collection


  10. I have never played Mordheim, but I can certainly appreciate these fine Ostlanders, Sander! Very nice.

    1. well Martijn perhaps in the summer we should meet up and have a game together?

    2. Now that might be a plan. We’ll keep that in the back of our heads. Should be fun!

  11. Not familiar with Mordheim but I recognise quality painting when I see it - really nice

  12. Great looking Mordheim figures, whatever their provenance!
    Best Iain

  13. Lovely brushwork Sander. The running of the general colour scheme through all the miniatures is very effective.

  14. These are excellent. We had many a Mordheim adventure and as a love dice roller my bands stayed on board a long time.
