Friday 12 January 2024

From Barks: HP Lovecraft (Literature)(25 points)

In the eldritch confines of my study, I unearthed a diminutive relic of unspeakable provenance—an accursed miniature that defied the feeble constraints of mortal comprehension. The blasphemous sculpt depicted an otherworldly figure, a ghastly visage that whispered of realms beyond the ken of human perception. In the sickly luminescence of my dimly lit chamber, the colors upon my palette seemed to shift and writhe, revealing cyclopean landscapes and nameless horrors. The twisted sculptor, a shadowy adept in the forbidden arts, had rendered the accursed author with a fiendish precision that echoed the cosmic malevolence of the Great Old Ones. As I gazed upon the diabolical creation, a palpable chill gripped my very soul, and I could discern the spectral murmurs of eldritch entities weaving their inscrutable tales within this infernal masterpiece. The mere act of contemplating the arcane artifact threatened to plunge my psyche into the abyssal depths of cosmic horror, leaving me teetering on the brink of sanity.*

HP Lovecraft

Howard Philips Lovecraft age 43 (1934)

"I am Providence."

HP Lovecraft and his friend LP Hovercraft, from Impact! Miniatures. They've done a good job of capturing HPL's eldritch chin. I picked this up years ago as a potential coach for a Blood Bowl team. The 'Literature' part of the Challenge is perfect for this. I don't have access to all my paints, and haven't been able to highlight his suit or fix up the base rim.

1 x 28mm miniature (5 points)

Literature (20 points)

*I used ChatGPT as a very strong starting point for this paragraph. Wow.

From Millsy: Everything about this post screams eldritch horror and that's before we even talk about the miniature! If his long face is anything to go by then he was looking into a bleak future where our lives are governed by unimaginably powerful beings that see us as mere playthings. I'm talking about AI of course but maybe Cthulhu would be preferable?

That's a great miniature Barks and he'd make a brilliant coach for a Bloodbowl Team. Maybe that's his playbook tucked under his arm and the "waterboy" wrapped around his leg? 25 points it is!


  1. I'm sure he would be able to conjure quite plays from his book to win a game or two of Blood Bowl. Good job, Barks!

  2. I am consumed by the underlying horror of the cosmic reality than dwells beyond human consciousness. But at the same time do love me some HPL. I visited his grave when I lived in Rhode Island, and saw the original notes for Call of Cthulhu at Brown University. Guess that kinda makes me a fanboy now that I think about it...

  3. What a weird sculpt! Looking like he is a sports fan with a massive foam finger on helps sell the oddness even more. Painting is quality as is his little “pet”

  4. that's a very fitting tribute!

  5. Great eldritch stuff Barks. Suitably horrific.

  6. Great painting Barks, and entertaining post!

  7. Great post by you and your robotic overlord Barks.

  8. Great paint job. Getting chatgpt to write your entries? I call foul sir! 😉

    1. I'm trying to persuade it to paint for me!

  9. HPL himself was rather flawed but I do love his writing. Great work on his figure.

  10. A very great literary post and a very fine paint job, Barks!

  11. Awesome model, love the idea of him as a Blood Bowl coach!

  12. It's all about the chin really...

    Terrific post Barks! Love the intro...

    1. Thanks, Curt! It would have taken me hours to come up with anything a fraction as good.

  13. Love a bit of Love raft, great model 👍

  14. What a post, the model is great and what a chin he has
