Friday 12 January 2024

From TomL: Team Evil Pulp Minions, New Acquisitions (105 pts)


Finally able to post after digging out of the first wave of snowstorms for today. Five inches of snow and a 2.5 ft mound at the driveway apron make for a great workout. The extra wide driveway seemed like such a good idea when the kids lived here…

I vaguely laid out a pulp adventure earlier this summer to give me a reason to paint more figures.  For the AHPC I had planned to paint only the pulp & horror models. However, the siren call of the library has called me to modify this approach I will dove deep into the lead mountain in the first two entries. For this week I have returned to my pulp mission. Rex in the background is the team evil mascot.

Helping on our way, the dangerous Double Agent from Crooked Dice will lead us using Sarah's cart to New Acquisitions. The dress is a transparent green from the Pro Acrylic line. I attempted a different approach to painting the nylons which I am reasonably happy with. Definitely need more practice.

These Nazi brown shirt lizard men & human stooges were purchased in September, so it is probably the fastest turnaround from purchase to painted I have ever done. These were painted with a mix of contrast and Foundry Triad paints. There are 3 unique poses each for lizard & human mooks.

For points I have 105 points (Rex was painted years ago).

13 28mm figures for 65 points.

Sarah's Library Cart: 20 points.

New Acquisitions: 20 points.

From Millsy: Another great entry from you Tom. I absolutely love the saturation of colour in your oranges and greens. The lizardmen are very cool with their oversized heads and tiny hands giving them a sort of pocket-sized T-Rex look. 105 points to add to your score in this year's Challenge!


  1. Some very interesting figures, Tom. I love the redhead!

    1. Thanks. That was built up using normal foundry and two thin coats acrylic and a few washes.

  2. Wonderful work Tom! Like Martijn, I love the redhead (great colour for her hair and dress). The LizardNazis crack me up. So cool(blooded). :)

  3. Thanks. I couldn't resist buying the lizard men nazis once I saw them.

  4. Nazi Lizardmen? I hate those guys.

  5. Fantastic pulp entry. I've never even thought about Nazi lizard man minions and now they seem so necessary.

    1. What else would be at a secret nazi moon base attempting to summon eldritch horrs?

  6. Great job, Tom! I painted nazi lizards some Challenge ago and the minis are just marvellous. They are based on the Australian hit TV series Danger 5 - available on youtube.

    1. Thanks Teemu. Crooked Dice has a nice line of Danger 5 figures. I have the series on my list to watch. Looks like great pulpy fun.

  7. Very nice work Tom, those pulp figures are always fun to paint up.

  8. Great work Tom, especially the femme fatale -- tell us more about your techniques for stockings? Did you paint the seams I wonder 😄

    1. SEAMS? God no. Attempted using diluted black contrast as I had seen on LAF. That went from streaky to too dark for me. I perhaps I over diluted it. Fixed it with a light skin tone wash.

  9. Great work Tom, love the way you've painted the ginger hair.

  10. Very pulpy Tom. Excellent work.

  11. Great work. Gotta love the lizard nazis.

    1. They will join my Pulp figures Nazi female squad and jetpack squad. Team evil is almost finished painting.

  12. It is truly lovely to see those Raptor brown shirts painted up. I've had a set for a while and I'm definitely motivated to paint them up now.

    1. Thanks. The models were very clean and easy to paint.

  13. Nice set of pulp figures Tom. Love the movement on the dress and the lizard nazi in the classic put-em-up pose. Rex can be proud.

  14. Wonderful Pulp minis - would love to know your red hair recipe - it looks fab.

  15. Great work Tom, the evil minions are cool, but the double agent wins it for me

  16. really great set of figures great painting Tom

  17. Awesome Tom. these Crooked Dice figures are awesome and you've donne a great job on them 👍
