Friday 12 January 2024

From StuartL - Row, row, row your boat - Maritime and Sarah's Library Cart - 70 Points

Hello all,

    So this week, I have a couple of posts for you. I had hoped to have more, but my boss seems to think that I need to spend more time at work and less time having fun. I don't fully understand what she was driving at, but I have found that my work schedule is starting to fill up now that the holidays are fading in the rear view mirror.

    Today I am pushing on with the Maritime section of the library. Now, I have neither the vast collections of naval vessels, nor the in-depth knowledge of every ship to ever sail that are so ably demonstrated by AdamC or PeterD, so I hope that my offering today passes inspection by the admirals of the challenge.

    This small boat is by Reaper and was acquired through one of their kickstarters. The mast and sail are somewhat bent, despite numerous attempts to straighten them out. As one of Reaper's newer Bones models, the detail is very crisp however, and this model painted up really easily.

    As I was painting up the boat, I decided to do some dockside decorations to go along with it. These are also by Reaper Minis. At some point I would love to build up a little pirate-era town with a beach front and harbour. I painted up some palm trees back in the 2021 challenge and these will add to my growing pile of scatter terrain. 

    And here we have the full entry on display. The boat is mounted on an old CD with a layer of PVA glue providing some texture, while the scenic items are mounted on plastic bases from Renedra.

    To give an impression of scale, I have added a 28mm model from Black Scorpion minis. This figure is not part of the entry and was painted back in 2021. I also appear to have managed to get some of the water colour on the hull of the ship, so I will have to revisit this model and clean it up once I am done posting.

    Finally, I need to move on to the next part of the library, so I will use Sarah's Library Cart to take a jaunt over to Local History. I had hoped to have this entry ready too, but time was against me.

    To pay for the journey, we have yet another Reaper Bones mini (complete with bendy great-sword). This blonde barbarian will be seeing play in my own skirmish game and maybe the occasional session of D&D. 

Scoring wise we have:
1x 28mm vehicle = 20 points
1x 28mm mini = 5 points
3x pieces of scatter terrain = 5 points (They are just a fraction of a terrain cube though).
Maritime Section = 20 points
Sarah's Library Cart = 20 points
TOTAL = 70 Points

From Millsy: They say work is the curse of the drinking man, but clearly that extends to painters as well. Perhaps you should introduce your boss to the joys of wargaming Stuart?

She's a lovely little vessel with nice clean lines and you have done a great job on her paintwork. That's a great little pile of cargo too, just the ticket for some sort of smuggling or raiding scenarios. As to the bendy sword, well we all know it's not what you have but how you use it that matters.

A very tidy 70 more points on your tally mate.


  1. Very nice, if little bent, boat, Stuart! I guess the blonde barbarian would not look out of place aboard the boat with barrels and boxes full of loot.

  2. I’ve always wanted a dockside scene, so nice work on these

  3. great scatter terrain Stuart!

  4. Avast Stuart, great post. You’ll get great use out of these pieces. Well done.

  5. She's a fine little skiff Stuart, I'll keep an eye out for these Reaper models in my FLGS. Love the shark hung up and the barrels have a ton of uses.

  6. Lovely work. You can never have enough scatter terrain.

  7. That shark is a great scenery piece!

  8. wonderful job on these, looks like you have the boat and I have a pile of pirates which after seeing this I better get painted.
