Tuesday 10 March 2020

From EricM: Its All Greek To Me (235 points)

 Those troublemakers over at Footsore Miniatures tempted me with the new Mortal Gods:Mythic kick-starter.  I am sucker for the old Ray Harryhausen style Jason and the Argonauts movies.  So besides backing the kick-starter, I felt compelled to paint some Greeks.

I started by working on some mercenary hoplites.  I have to admit I really like the smaller unit size of many of the modern skirmish games.   These figures are a mix of Wargames Foundry and Black Tree Design.  I have a hard time telling them apart, but if you look close the  Black Tree are bit more angular and well fed than the Foundry.

This unit was a first for me.  I used Little Big Men Studio shield transfers.   I have had them for quite sometime but have been a little worried about using them.  They aren't your traditional water slide transfers. A quick Google search turned up a great video tutorial.   I highly recommend Little Big Men's Transfers.  I used Vallejo Transfer Medium to help blend the edge of the transfers. 

Despite a few mistakes (bonus points to you if you can spot the backwards Sigma.  I am going to claim its not a mistake I am just a big Dale Earnhardt fan) really liked how the transfers turned out and will be using them again.

Next up I decided to paint some Athenian Marines.  These guys are the cream of the crop for the Athenians.  Unfortunately I did not have shield transfers for them or the arrow drape at the bottom of the shield. These figures are a mix of Wargames Foundry and Black Tree Designs.

Here are a few close ups

My final group of Greeks are very lightly armored and extremely self-confidant.  I have tried to position them in the photo to use their modesty shield to maximum effect, but I would not recommend clicking on these pictures at work, just in case

I used LMBS shield transfers on this unit which is comprised of Wargames Foundry and Black Tree Design figures.  I got a little over enthusiastic and painted 10 instead of the required 9 for this small  group.

In total I completed 47-28mm foot for a total of 235 points which I believe pushes me over my 1500 point total!

Thanks for looking

Using transfers on shields? You're lucky it's me minioning this post - if it had been Peter you'd have had points deducted left, right, centre, above, below, in front and behind!

Cracking job on these Greeks!



  1. Nice looking Greeks. I like the hand painted tridents, but those transfers looking smashing too. I just don't have the dexterity or patience required to used transfers.

  2. Fabulous Greeks Eric! I really want to try out Mortal Gods sometime soon - it looks like fun.

  3. Great work on these Eric, nice vibrant colours.

  4. Great job Eric - I love the electric colours on the marines in particular, well done.

  5. Some damn fine painting Eric. Love the Marines!

  6. Transfers or not, I like these shields alot, your Greeks look absolutely smashing for sure!

  7. Gorgeous looking hopolites!
    Best Iain
