Tuesday 10 March 2020

From PaulSS - Help us Lady Sarah you are our only hope (68 points)(

Our troops had made base-camp at O'Grady's Gulch ready to ascend the Snowlords Peak when "Her Worshipfulness" arrived on the scene and ordered us to Reidy's Reef.

Time is running short for the rebellion and we need to get back to the Snowlords Peak with utmost haste. Two Rebel ladies and their escort need to deploy on the Snowlords Peak and create a defensive perimeter with utmost haste.

About that defensive perimeter... We do hope that the barricades we are taking along will not incur too much in the way of excess baggage charges.

There are two figures in the Rebel Troopers set that work as ladies, the one with the A-280 blaster rifle in the jacket is definitely a lady, the other one with a MPL-57 is in rather a baggy coat but the features are certainly feminine compared to the other troopers in the box.

Seven 40mm troops, plus three barricades, plus my third balloon trip 'frequent flier' bonus should net me 61 points towards my total.

Nothing like a new project to put everything else on the back burner is there Paul?  Of course you've got your own in house arms race going on and you need the firepower to claim the dining table for your side.  

Nice work on the SW figures. I do like the subtle work on the drabs and earth tones here.  I concur on the gender representations of the two figures in question.  Nice basing too BTW!

My math (always subject to error checking) is 7x7+3x3+10=68 points


  1. Awesome Paul, my client has already asked me to paint his Rebels when I finish his Imperial troops and I might just steal your schemes ;-)

    1. Client?! What, you've gone pro on us Sander?

    2. Cheers Sander. The five base colours I used are VMC Khaki, WWII Russian Uniform, Reflective Green, Flat Earth and Chocolate Brown.

  2. Well done once again! Even if these are poor, misguided souls.

  3. More super looking rebels!
    Best Iain

  4. @Peter, thank you. Sorry for the poor maths, it used to be a strong point of mine, but my brain is now mostly cheese!
