Tuesday 10 March 2020

From RossM: Citadel C06 Northern Dwarves 60 points

Second stage on the challenge island at Millsy's Millpond a perfect topic for me being retro figures.

In several if not more previous AHPC I have submitted retro figures from my favourite period of Citadel Miniatures, that is up until circa 1985.

The two Northern Dwarves below are from this period and their back story will follow:

Bought in the Hobbies and Models shòp in my home town at the pricely sum of £0.45 each. (Shudder to think what the finecast versions would cost).

The purchase would have been made midweek after school most likely on route to the library, ironically one of the libraries I worked in later in life as a librarian. This would have been circa October 1984.

Both figures were painted at the time in a mix of enamels and oil paints. Yes, I used oils at this time before purchasing my first set of acrylics early in 1985.

The figures were used to portray two Naugrim brothers in MERP, both Scouts who were members of the Order of the Axe. Conn Sure-shot and Finn Swift-bow.

The Order based in the Blue Mountains actively sought to regain lost treasures of the Dwarves in any form, however Mithril was considered the most precious.

Travelling south through Dunland to Rohan, the brothers and other Order members were beset by many challenges before arriving at the gates of Moria.

Moria proved too big a challenge and the brothers and many others of the Order did not return. The next game different figures from the above range were used.

Now, in 2020 I have collected all of the above, granted not all are yet painted.

So, on to the points

Two 28mm Dwarves : 10 points
Millsy's Mill Challenge: 30 points
Pre 1990 figures: 10 points
Back story: 10 points

Total: 60 points
Running total: 164 points (32.8% of Challenge total)

Hope I have this right.

Cheers for now

Well those are two veteran Dwarves if ever there were.  Great work on the figures and a fine back story.  I can remember those figures from War-games mags in the early 80s and it's great to see that you got the whole clan back together.  
Peter D