Tuesday 10 March 2020

From PhilH: Boring Boat at Douglas’ Shallows (35 Points)

A shameless points grab for my canter around the island, with a mysterious boat I found fully prepped and undercoated in one of my many ‘in progress’ boxes.

It had a mast with it but no sail. I forgot to photograph the mast, so it can be a rowboat for now.

Pass on the manufacturer or where it came from. I don’t even have a river or coast in my terrain collection as yet, so it can go live in another box for a while.

To be honest, I feel embarrassed to claim this as a 28mm vehicle, as it took me half an hour or so. Shall we call it 5 points? Plus 30 for the location, of course.

Getting there...but is there still time to reach the peak?
From DaveD... I have a few of those lying around - It looks like one of the Ainsty..- ok lets go with that score


  1. There’s no such thing as a shameless grab for points in Douglas Shallows! We bottom feed with the best of them.

    Nice boat, I could use one like that.

  2. Useful boat, nice if fast finish!
    Best Iain

  3. It is very nicely coloured.
