Monday, 16 March 2020

From JohnM: Elven Hearthguard (40 Points)

Still plugging away at the painting. One of my goals during the challenge was to complete a Lords of the Wild warband using elves from my LOTR collection for SAGA AoM. Next up are 2 Hearthguard units. These were half painted by my son many years ago, they were airbrushed with Tamiya flat black and re-painted and based to match the the current war band. I thought about stripping the metal casts but decided against it, so they are a little less defined than the plastic sculpts which just had been previously primed. I am happy enough with them. I have 11 more figures to go but I somehow another think that this will not get done for the Challenge.


Great work John on some classic figures! While SAGA's various iterations tend to leave me only with a headache, I can only assume it will be fun to play with such neat figures available.  These LOTR ones are just marvelous, and you have done some fine work here. And I always love a story where figures started elsewhere make it over the "painting finish line" - I find those figures always seem to provide the best "performance" on the table, like the dice somehow respond to them. 
