Wednesday 11 March 2020

From JohnM: Sainte-Mère-Église - 110 points

Yes, I know I promised no more terrain but this model has been an albatross around my neck throughout the AHPCX, without exaggeration there is probably over 300 hours of print time here with multiple failed pieces. This is a model from 3d-print-terrain, there are 14 pieces to print, the longest one clocking out at 38 hours alone. I had multiple problems throughout with both adhesion and extrusion problems. Anyway, I suspect most of you shall have no idea what I am talking about, so I shall stop. The fence come from the same set and I found the headstones on Thingiverse.

I needed a church, as I sold my massive Italeri hard plastic one, this is much nicer and of course Sainte-Mère-Èglise is one of the classic WWII Normandy set pieces. I based it on two old placemats and added a small cemetery as you can see.
I will treat it as 3 separate units in respect to bombardment for CoC, the two large roofs come off, and the centre tower comes off. Difficult to say whether the ground floor windows can be used as firing positions but there are 3 doors, one large and certainly the tower would be an excellent firing position. Funny how I think of terrain in game terms!

I am quite happy with it, the structure is 22x9x11" in total but a lot of empty space. Using a cubic calculator this is near on 2200 cubic inches, but I will remove a half so maybe 1100 cubic inches. this is where I get into trouble but I think a 6" cube is 216", so if I have it right maybe 5 cubes aka 100 points!

From DaveD.  Now thats an excellent piece John. i will meet you at 110 points ..  


  1. That's a fine looking church John. :)

  2. I know it was a paint to print (I hate FDM printers - waaay too fiddly for my impatient self) but the final result is spectacular. I really like the grounds with the small graveyard.

  3. Great work John. I would hate 3D printers so much...I'm so blessed to have friends who put up with them.

    As Curt says, the final result is awesome. Really well done.

  4. Wow, the end result is wonderful. Congrats on your patience and the painting work.

  5. Great looking church in spite of the production woes!
    Best Iain

  6. This is lovely and well worth the wait on the print time.
