Wednesday 11 March 2020

Notice - Pics Going Missing From Draft Posts

Good evening one and all.

There seems to be a bit of a bug with Blogger at the moment. We have had a number of posts where some of the photos have disappeared from the drafts when minions have come to edit them.

I've got no idea what the cause of this is, but would suggest that after you have "saved" and "closed" the post that you then check it in "Preview" to ensure they are all there.

I have just remarked five posts from four challengers as "draft - pics have gone missing".

Please can the following individuals check their draft posts and re-upload the missing pics:


Edit to add:
For those who aren't sure how to go back and check their draft posts:
1. Open the Challenge blog.
2. At the top right you should see "Design" - click on it.
3. Select "Posts" then "Draft" on the left sidebar.
4. Find your post(s) and select "Edit".
5. Any missing pictures will show up as a blank box where they should be. 
6. Click "Remove" and then re-upload the photo in its place.
7. Repeat for any further missing photos.
8. Click "Save" and then "Close".
9. Hope that Blogger doesn't mess it up again.

Many thanks,

Senior Flight Attendant


  1. Hopefully the third attempt to fix this is the charm...

    1. Seems to have been - I just re-checked them all and yours was OK.

  2. RE-added the photos and seems to be fixed - looks OK in preview mode :)
