Wednesday 11 March 2020

From LeeH - Normandy Farmhouse (5 Points)

Another day another unplanned entry. Actually, that's not strictly true this building was on my original challenge painting plan but I decided not to do it because I had plenty of other things to paint. However, with the upcoming Normandy demo game I'm going to be running this weekend I couldn't resist. This building is from Peter Pig and was part of a set of 3 buildings that I bought at Salute last year.

As far as possible I have tried to copy the painting style of the Landmark buildings I bought last year. Hopefully, this will mean all my buildings all have a similar feel about them and won't look incongruous when used next to each other. The building is cast in some sort of resin and was quite easy to base coat and paint. I block painted the majority of the model then gave the whole thing a wash with army painter soft tone and then dry brushed.

The pictures include one of my tiger tanks and a 15mm infantry figure just to show scale. I have a second farmhouse and a barn from the same manufacturer but these will definitely not be done during this challenge (I'm running out of time now!).

Points wise this isn't going to earn me loads. Its dimensions are 4"x5"x3" so the whole thing comes out at a little over a quarter of a terrain cube, so about five points worth. I'm happy with that and it's one more incremental step towards my target... Now I really really must get on with my snow lord's challenge!!

Nice little farmhouse Lee. And you've even included the farm's puddy-cat in the photos to show the scale! 



  1. Nice looking and very useful farmhouse. I have to say I'm a little worried about your gunner Lee, he appears to be using an 88 shell as a battering ram on the farmhouse door in the bottom picture,

  2. Nice addition to the collection Lee!

  3. Good looking and useful terrain piece!
    Best Iain
