Monday 28 December 2020

From BruceR "The Chamber of Darkness" 25pts

 As the party flees the Russian militia Zombies (you can't fight zombies) the next chamber they enter is as dark as a moonless night.  As the party attempts to catch their breath they are assailed  by a horrendous gong sound.  Repeated and repeated.  "Gong" "Gong" "Gong" followed by a maniacal cackle, reminiscent of the fantastic faced earlier in their journey.   Again "Gong" "Gong" "Gong" causing the party members to wither on the floor attempting to cover their ears to block out the sound.  All at once the gonging stops and shuffling approaches the prone party members.  Out of the gloom comes a wee character with a huge gong.  The little fella simply grins and says "Gonging my way"... eeek

My first attempt at greyscale.  Still not sure.  Found the night goblin musician on the wall of shame, already base coated black so why not.  I have quite a large WHFB goblin army sitting in boxes as the world has crumbled.  Moved on and this fella was left behind.  I did give him the red eyes to simulate the photo daemon look.  So another games workshop night goblin 5 pts as he is a 28 mm scale model, bigger with the gong.  20 pts for the Chamber of Darkness.

Pardon the bad pun.




  1. You have done an excellent job on the grey scale, I for one am not so sure I can do it any better!

  2. Greyscale looks great to me. I guess this model could do double duty as a statue, too. ("I hear a sound like a gong. 's dat u?"

  3. Nice work with the greyscale. Like the red devil eyes.

  4. Fond memories of these Kev Adams classics, you did a smart job of the greyscale.

  5. Nice work, the red eyes give the figure a mischievous look.

  6. Love the eyes! Scoring a skull as well.

  7. Nice work mate...greyscale is difficult nd you've done a fine job.

  8. Good looking greyscale goblin! Pot head pixie was one of their big hits I think?
    Best Iain

  9. Greyscale goodness 👍
    Regards KenR

  10. I call him a success! The creepy red eyes top it off!
