Monday 28 December 2020

From JonathanO: Scary Scarecrows (Golem's Haunt) 40 points

 Here are 4 scarecrows that have come to life and left the farmer's field.  They are striding through a meadow, not caring which rare wild flowers they tramp on.  No doubt they are going to cause quite a stir when they reach the nearby village.

These scary scarecrows are from Gripping Beast's Woodbine Design Company range.  They should be useful for a number of games.

Points:  4 x 28mm figures = 20.  Plus the Golem's Haunt bonus of 20 = 40 points in total.

Now on to the even more scary Chamber of Darkness.


  1. Awesome looking scarecrows. Though if they are roaming around the local village, you should probably call them scare-everythings.

  2. A fine (and scary) interpretation of the theme. Well done.

  3. Scary... but nicely painted.

  4. Good looking scarecrows!
    Best Iain

  5. A jolly bunch! I think you used contrast paints on them? They look awesome!
