Monday 28 December 2020

From KyleC - level 2 teleport 45 pts

Having navigated level 1 of the Dungeon, and surviving the underwater landing, they begin to make their way through Level 2!

Pre the big C this year, we had begun to play a bit of DnD within the family, but also with another family and their boys. So I figured with the downtime now and a printer at my disposal, it would be a good time to get some models sorted for future sessions. 

Now these were just test figures to see how printing actual 28mm scaled models would go. Had to adjust timings for future bits but it worked well enough here. Aside from a few printing fails.

Great Van Fleet, the parties Bard. Of Gnomish decent but plays her lute like a mad woman on stage with Foo Fighters...

Tina the Tiefling Warrior. Knwon for her rage and ability to get her point across. 

Ock'tAra the Half Orc Monk. Coloring reminds me of Picolo from Dragonball Z but still and overall nice paint job.

Shakira the Sorceress. Hailing from distant lands, she carries the light of her people with her. 

And finally Diane the Dwarf Cleric. Once she had a Mace, however she dropped it to lay hands on some undead and send them back to the underworld.

5 28mm scaled models.. Some bigger some small but altogether they work. 25 pts for the models, 20 for the challenge. 45 pts overall. 


  1. That’s a great looking party Kyle, great prints and great paint work.

  2. Good looking party. The prints are wonderful as well. Enjoy.

  3. Some really interesting models, and very nicely painted.

  4. Super looking figures, top marks 👍
    Regards KenR

  5. Lovely collection of figures!
    Best Iain

  6. Impressive prints and a great party!

  7. Lovely paintwork on these. Very nice work.

  8. A great looking party of PC's. Well done.

  9. Lovely work Kyle. I really like the Half-Orc monk.

  10. Great looking minis - especially like the bard.

  11. Great figures, but I really love the colours of the paintjob. Colourful, but not shouting about it. Well done!
