Monday 28 December 2020

From StuartL - Necron Warriors - 40 Points

Today I'm taking a slight detour from the Chambers of Challenge to post up a few minis from a 40K army I am working on. Years ago I bought a large Necron army and got most of it assembled and painted. Since then, I have had a handful of sprues kicking about that I have largely used for conversions and the like. When the Necrons got a big update earlier this year, I figured that it was time to dust off my army and finish off the last few minis. 

I have to say that I am not a big fan of the current Warhammer 40,000 rules. I only played 5 games of 8th edition and didn't think much of it, and 9th seems to be more of the same. Sadly my local group loves 9th, which causes me a bit of a problem if I want to play at the club. Luckily I have a gaming table at home and a couple of friends who are happy to play anything. So, I have been experimenting with using 40K 5th edition blended with the Bolt Action random/alternating activation system. So far it seems to work ok and produces fun games. Once face to face games become possible again, I hope to have a couple of armies ready to go and a workable draft rule set to use. 

These are the older plastic models with the day-glow green rods in the guns. They are showing their age a lot when compared to the newer kits, but I like them.

One of the plus points for Necron warriors is that they are really easy to paint. A metallic base colour and wash sees 90% of the mini finished.

Finally a question for Barks:
Do Necron heads count as Skullz? Necrons are supposed to be the 40K version of an undead army and have a certain skeletal look to them, but on the other hand, they are robots and therefore don't really have a human anatomy.

So, that's 8x 28mm figures for a total of 40 points. They are all GW minis, so that will add to my side duel there. They may, or may not count towards my skull count, but they are a Squirrel point.

GW Points - 255
Skullz - 81 (Maybe 89)
Squirrels - 2


  1. Nice work. Love the green glow sticky weapons. Barks would be the arbitrator for all things Skullz related.

    1. Thanks Peter.
      Hopefully Barks will give his verdict at some point.

  2. I like your idea of Bolt Action-ing 40K; I thought about doing the same thing with BtGOA but never advanced beyond that.

    1. 5th.ed 40K and Bolt Action have some mechanics in common, it's one of the reasons why a lot if 40K players found it an easy switch.
      Alternating activation is something that 40K really benefits from IMHO.

  3. I hate Necrons. They just keep getting up again. Maybe in Bolt Action they'll stay down.
    Nicely done, by the way!

    1. Thanks Noel. You can't keep a good robot down (or an evil one apparently).

  4. Marvellous, loving the day glo

    1. Thanks. The green sticks do give them a rather fun appearance.

  5. *sucks air in between teeth and deliberates*

    Sure. Skullz they are. 8 more to you!

  6. Good looking space undead!
    Best Iain

  7. A lovely glowing entry ✨
    Regards KenR

  8. It may be a simple paintjob as you say (though nothing really ever is, is it?), but the effect is great! Well done.
