Monday 28 December 2020

From TomG - Going Quackers Entering the Chambers & "Not" Curtgeld Ahoy - 50 points

Hello again, today I bring you my first entry in to the Chambers of Challenge via the Hall of Traps, and my entry cost mini, although this is a long post I hope you enjoy it. 

To start with is this Trapper, laying in wait for a dastardly, yet daffy, prey. The vignette is made up of a French Indian Wars plastic Warlord Games mini, from yet another freebie sprue, a tree stump and a duck from the recent Mantic Terrain Crate 2 Kickstarter.

I had great fun creating this, my first ever completed vignette, all for the sole purpose of exploring the ideas of laying in wait, trapping and being trapped. I wasn't sure what colours to use as it is a period of history I've never read in to, but the frame where the trapper came from was chock filled with interesting details. My thoughts went to the fur traders and the Jason Mamoa tv series, where all manner of visceral violence is laid out for our entertainment. Somewhere in there I'm sure I saw buff coloured clothing, so here we are.

From the top down you can just about see our dear friends aim is slightly off, but I'm sure any duck hunt players had a glitchy game once in a while. The added hatchet was initially going to have the musket rested on it, but the effect seemed daft, so it just became a visual interest point.

Painting the duck offered a surprisingly high level of calming and cathartic relaxation, simply letting go of what uniform and texture to work with, and instead just working from memory of all the ducks my kids and I have fed over the years. And of course we have our trapper who I named Trigger, for no better reason than I was watching the classic English sitcom "Only Fools and Horses" at the time of painting. 

Next we have the infamous Curtgeld mini for this year's entry fee. This chap has been sat in a collection of special edition minis i wanted to paint but had no reason to, and so what better reason to get at him than as a potential prize to one of you. I hope you like him as I loved painting him up. 

All in all I have very little idea how to score the vignette,  so I'll stick to the points I know I've earned:

Trapper Vignette (28mm mini plus bonus challenge points) - 25 points
Curtgeld (28mm mini plus bonus challenge points) - 25 points
Total - 50 points

That's all folks, I hope you like what you see and I'll catch you next time.



  1. Wonderful vignette and perhaps the only duck we’ll see this cycle 😁 at least the best painted!

    1. Thank you Simon! I'm glad my duck has impressed you, he was so much fun to add in.

    2. We’ve now had two duck related entries. This could easily be the year of the duck. Perhaps ducks will become the new camels.

    3. They could indeed! What a quacking idea! 😁

  2. Lovely looking trapper,duck and curtgeld!
    Best Iain

  3. Lovely work on all these figures!

  4. Your painting is anything but dethpicable. 8 expect that there may be a wascally wabitt about too.

    1. You know, I searched high and low for the miniature rabbits I'm sure I own, but to no avail. Maybe I should have been quiet, when huntin' for wabbits 😂

  5. Beautiful vignette and a cool curtgeld. Nice work.

  6. I love striped trousers on minis (not so much in me...), and you done very nice ones on the curtgeld.

    1. Thank you. I was lucky that they're sculpted on, otherwise I don't think I would have had the courage.

  7. The vignette is fantastic, well done. I like the Curtgeld mini too, he looks like a real ruffian.

    1. Thank you and I'm glad the curtgeld looks suitably mean.

  8. Lovely work Tom. I've awarded you another 5 points for the vignette (including the duck). :)

    1. Thank you so much! I really enjoyed making it.

  9. Brilliant vignette - Maybe the hunter is adjusting for wind direction? Or maybe he just likes ducks.

    1. Brilliant ideas! A considerate hunter per chance 😁

  10. These figs are great, you can ever have enough ducks

    1. Thank you Martin, and I think you're right. Plenty more ducks in the pond 🤣

  11. Its the year of the duck ! We normally have hundreds of Camels 😄 nice work
    Regards KenR

    1. I wonder if next year we'll get a duck based challenge location 🤣

  12. The vignette is absolutely wonderful, de trapper is well done and the whole is very creative and original. And who doesn't love a duck? The curtgeld looks great too with his striped trousers and the strange contraption on his arm!
