Monday 28 December 2020

From EdwardG: First Post! - Medieval Russians and Hall of Traps Entry (118 points)

 Hi All, 

Merry (belated) Christmas and Happy New Year!

This is my first challenge! And first post! I have been following the Challenge for a long time and it is great to finally be able to join. :D I am located in Hamburg, Germany. We have a small but dedicated group of historical wargamers up here. Hope to possibly meet some of you in person one day if you visit the Tactica Wargames Show that is 'normally' held around February time. 

For my first entry I have pulled out some old 15mm figures that have sat around undercoated for at least the past fifteen years (minimum). These are the majority of the elements I need to complete my DBA (v3) Early Russian Army. I can no longer remember where I got the figures from, but I painted up the General's element at the time and the others have sat on the lead pile waiting for their turn. I had made a small self goal back at the start of 2020, to get them painted before the end of the year. And true to form, I have managed to put it off until nearly the deadline! I still have three elements of spear, and a German mercenary Knight element to complete, but I thought to put up what I have so far.

I paint with a mix of Vallejo and Citadel paints. Often I make liberal use of washes and inks for shading. 

I have to apologise. I am trialling my photography set up, so the pictures are not great and I cannot get many elements in the frame as I would wish. I hope to improve over the course of the challenge.  

First up is the upper class nobles, as mounted Knights. Four elements, are in the army, making it a third of the 12 element total strength. With them are the two elements of Tartar light horse. These elements plus the generals element are the total mounted for the army.   

Then there is the PBI. the foot sloggers who make up the other half of the army. There are a number of options in the army list. Therefore I have painted elements to cover all. It comes to 1 x 3Bw, 1 x 3Ax, 2 x 2Ps.

 Finally, I have my first entry for the Chambers of Challenge (and I hope it will be accepted!). My entry for the Hall of Traps is the Horde element for the Early Russian Army. This is an element representing the serfs of the nobles who have also been called out for the campaign. DBAv3 classes these peasants as Hordes (which is a nice term for filler that should really stay at the back and out of trouble.) I argue that as these peasants are trapped in the bonds of serfdom for their entire lives', along with their families and decedents, they qualify as an entry for the Hall of Traps (please). 


I make my tally for this post to be:

16 x 15mm Mounted = 64 points
17 x 15mm Foot = 34 points
+ 20 points for the Hall of Traps entry
Total = 118 points

I hope you all have a relaxing remainder of the holidays! I need to get more figures prepared for possible dry priming weather tomorrow! 

Ed :) 


  1. Splendid looking medieval Russians! I really like your peasants!
    Best Iain

  2. Welcome to the Challenge, Edward. That is a great looking DBA army. I like the justification for the Hall of Traps entry.

  3. Great looking host of Medieval Russians Edward, welcome to the Challenge.

  4. Great to see the work of another APC rookie! Impressive turn around to put out a DBA army in just 7 days.

  5. Lovely looking medieval types. Congratulations on beating your deadline.

  6. First, welcome to the Challenge Edward!! It's great to have you with us. Medieval Russians?! How cool is that! And 15 year old minis - even better. Great work Ed.

  7. Welcome to the Challenge - lovely looking entry.

  8. Welcome to the Challenge! So great to see some 15-year old minis getting some paint!

    Also great to see others who have figures sitting around for so long...

    Enjoy - great to have you with us!

  9. Welcome on board. These are great and the link to traps is so tenuous its bound to be accepted

  10. Welcome to the show Edward, great first entry
    Regards KenR

  11. Nice work Edward! I may have a similar tale coming up soon(ish) :-)
