Tuesday 29 December 2020

From ScottC: Hobbit Hall of traps submission (30 points)

 As we enter the Chamber of Challenge into the hall of traps these two little hobbits stumble along and have gotten themselves caught in a web! 

What horrors await for them in the pit of the pendulum! 

I hope to have most of my challenge themed around the solo game rangers of shadow deep where I hope to use most of these figures in my adventures. 

This is approximately 20 points for the challenge and an additional 10 for the 2 hobbits. 

These are games workshop LOTR/Hobbit figures, 28mm in scale. 


  1. Great looking hobbits, well done.

  2. Definitely one of my favourite scenes from the books, and a great paint job to bring them to life. Well done indeed!

  3. Nice work, and welcome to the challenge Scott

  4. Hobbits in blankets, a Xmas special in Mordor
    Regards KenR

  5. Nice take on the theme and great looking figures!
