Friday 1 January 2021

From ScottC: Spiders - Pit of the Pendulum submission (180 points)

 Our lonely hobbits stumble into the Pit of the Pendulum and trigger the attention of a multitude of spiders!

These ants and spiders are a dollar store pickup around halloween. They came in little baggies of 50 a piece and I knew would make excellent minions for a rangers of shadow deep spider force. These are based on 25mm bases and are 28mm scale.

These gems are the GW Goblin wolf rider miniatures from the old battle for skull pass starter set. I have had these spiders sitting in a bin for about 10 years and finally had a reason to bring them to life. I wanted to base my colours on a more realistic colour palette with some hints of fantasy. The spider webs for all of these spiders are used dryer sheets and while they appear a little dense, I believe they turned out great! These are on 40mm bases and are 28mm scale.

These spiders are meant to represent GW mirkwood spiders, they are in fact dollar store spiders that came in a bag with several other different bugs. These big guys are on 60mm bases and are 28mm scale.

These little guys are reaper miniature spider swarms. Big momma has yet to be painted but they look well enough to fit the part. These little guys are on 25mm bases and are 28mm scale.

It has been an excellent challenge painting some more earthy toned fantasy creatures. I actually have a Chilean rose hair tarantula so I was a least mentally prepared before I had done my research. These figures are all 28mm in scale.


10 Ants - likely half of a 28mm figure = 25 points

10 Little spiders - same points as the ants = 25 points

4 spider hatchlings - same points as previous = 10 points

3 mirkwood spiders = Likely 54mm foot figure @ 10 points a piece = 30 points

10 giant spiders = 40mm foot figures @ 7pts ea = 70 points

20 bonus pts for challenge submission

Total: 180 points


  1. Awesome work, love the beasties

  2. Love those Mirkwood spider colours. And dryer sheets for webs?! Consider that stolen. :) Wonderful work Scott!

  3. Great stuff....creepy bloody spiders

  4. Splendid looking arachnids! They look ace and I love half of them came from the pound store!
    Best Iain

  5. Excellent bunch of creepy crawlers! The dollar store is a veritable Aladins Cave of materials.

  6. Creepy little buggers. Nice work

  7. I positively hate spiders, specially such awesome looking realistic ones, well done!

  8. Oooh, impressively creepy guys, Scott! You've brought them to life in all their silent, crawling creepiness!! Great work!!

  9. My skin is itching just looking at those!
    Regards KenR

  10. I would like to say that I like them Scott, but spiders creep me out!

  11. I hope we don't have any arachnophobes on the challenge, some of those look scarily realistic. Nice work.

  12. Well done! I better don't show the pictures to my wife though...

  13. They’ve come up really well! The dryer sheets is a very clever idea.

    Two Mirkwood spiders from GW would set me back $60- I don’t know who they’re kidding...

  14. They look great, suitably creepy. Smart sourcing too!
