Tuesday 16 March 2021

From Mike W, 28mm Ottoman Gun Crew Late 17th Century (40 Points)

Second post of the day and hopefully a bit of a surge for the end of the challenge!

Right at the start of this year's challenge I did a model of a captured Ottoman gun with an Imperial crew, see <here>, now that we are getting near to the end of the challenge, I was keen to get the second of the two guns I obtained from Trent Miniatures fielded.

To which ends - here we are! An Ottoman Gun with a Turkish crew at the Siege of Vienna.

The finished Ottoman Gun Emplacement

I have scratch built the Ottoman crew from Gripping Beast Arab Infantry and Wargames Atlantic Afghan Warriors - both plastic 28mm kits. The rammers are spear arms with the spear shafts cut down and a suitable head attached, one figure has a powder horn to prime the cannon, modelled from a Wargames Atlantic Irish War Horn!

The new addition to my previous such efforts is the inclusion of resin 3D printed Ottoman heads, in the Janissary style - which I think gives the figures a much more tangible Ottoman feel.

The heads were from eBay and I got them for 25p each, though it looks like the price has now doubled but not a deal breaker in my view...

Figures were painted in light coloured clothes, two in longer robes and two in leggings with jackets, I gave the head dresses a red band, simply to make it look good, I doubt this is historically accurate!

I placed the gun behind two earth filled gabions to hint at the siege conditions that they were operating under.

Another view of the finished gun , crew and scenery

The figures were undercoated white and then colour added before washing with watered down Army Painter inks. They were all matt varnished and the base built-up in the usual way with Fine sand and electrostatic grass.

And finally the two batteries side by side
- really just to show that these are two separate guns!


4 x 28mm Crewmen @5 Pts ea    = 20 Points

1 x 28mm Gun                              = 10 Points

TOTAL                                          = 30 Points

That gun and crew look fab. However, I must disagree with the points you are claiming. You deserve some extra for the clever conversions and for the gabions, and I have awarded them.



  1. Fab work Iain! I'll have a look for those heads, they could come in handy!

  2. Lovely looking artillery and crew and neat conversions!
    Best Iain
