Tuesday 16 March 2021

From Dallas: Snowlord's Challenge Completed (50 points)

The Snowlord's Challenge is complete - I've finished painting my Legio Gryphonicus Reaver Titan for GW's Adeptus Titanicus game!

Here we see the Reaver equipped with Laser Blaster and Volcano Cannon arm weapons and a carapace-mounted Turbo Laser Destructor.

But wait - there's more! I painted all of the weapon options for the Reaver and magnetized them for easy swapping - here the God-machine is seen equipped with a Gatling Blaster, power fist, and carapace-mounted Apocalypse Missile Launcher. And a different head, to boot.

A close up look at the Reaver's heraldry on its shoulder pauldrons.

...and on the knee armour. Notice anything funny going on here?

A rear view. The Reaver was painted as follows: metal bits, Leadbelcher and Brass Scorpion; grey bits, Mechanicus Standard Grey with lighter grey dapple camo; yellow bits, Averland Sunset over XV-88 base. Nuln Oil and Agrax Earthshade washes, and sponge chipping with Rhinox Hide and craft black paint. Groundwork is Rhinox Hide - Mournfang Brown - Steel Legion Drab - Rakarth Flesh. 

Here's another weapon combo - Melta Cannon and Chainfist. It tickles!!

What a cracking model.

Here's the Reaver with its extra bits.

And broken down into its component parts, all magnetised of course. I'm going to claim 30 points for this model and all the extra components.

This one was fun to paint for sure, especially as it signifies completion of the Chambers of Challenge. It's satisfying to have three months of painting end off with a win of sorts, and a tally of over 1,000 points in the Challenge. While there may be some more painting to come, I'll be content if this is it for now. I'll just end with a heartfelt thanks to Mr Curt and Minions for all of your tireless efforts in making the Challenge fun for us!

Stay safe everyone!

That modular Reaver looks superb!

I've got absolutely no idea how this should be scored, so I'll go along with the 50 points total that you've suggested.



  1. What's with all of the scuff marks? Typical loyalists...your so-called Emperor can't even keep his Titans clean! No wonder Horus needs to come in and tidy things up...

    Congratulations Dallas on getting this beast finished, and on a fantastic rip through this edition of the Painting Challenge. You have been tearing it up, and the results for the gaming table and your collection have been tremendous. Well done!

  2. A dirty engine is a hardworking engine! Please don’t take that out of context. Great work on the Reaver! I’m sure the warhound will look great marching beside it.

  3. That’s a beast and love that you’ve got all the weapon loads to swap in and out. That will lead to hours of indecision trying to figure out the optimal combo

  4. Great work, Dallas, this looks like a lot of fun!

  5. Wow fitting tribute post to the Challenge competition - fantastic modelling! Cheers Jez

  6. Brilliant looking Titan and the swappable weaponloads are a neat idea!
    Best Iain

  7. Geez, I can't believe this one slipped by me. My bad.

    Dal, fabulous work dude. I love the work you put in weathering the livery and adding the scorch markings around the weapon barrels. And magnetising all those weapon options. Wow. Kudos to you. *Dofs cap* Challenge duly met. Well done.
