Tuesday 16 March 2021

DaveS - Carefully Constructed (48pts)

 More work on the Enlightened for Wild West Exodus.  First, we have Kyle The Black, one of the leaders for the faction.  His theme Posse is built around fielding lots of smaller constructs as a meat shield, and when he has them nearby he is very hard to kill.

I've tried to get his gloves and apron to look like the orange, slightly rotted rubber that used to make up the tubing or bunsen burners at school.  Not sure how close I came, but I like the look anyway.

Nothing says Mad renegade carrying out experiments on people like an extra set of buzzsaw arms.

Following this, we have Unger, one of the larger creations.  A gatling gun, a bad attitude, and a commitment to the confederacy.

Finally, 4 Gun dogs, equipped with "Phonic Blaster".  2 of these came in the Thomas Edison box set, and the other two were given away free on the front of a magazine a few years ago.  (And were, unsurprisingly, in the easiest to reach box of shame, which also happened to be the last one that I searched through!!!!)

Almost all of the factions can use gun dogs, but only the Enlightened get the phonic blasters.  Therefore, I have attached them with magnets, so that I can replace them when I branch out into other factions with access to them (Sadly neither the Order or the Watchers who I have been working on can take them)

So that is 2x54mm models at 10pts each, and 4 Gundogs at 7pts each (I think, the bases are 40mm in width and quite deep, but the models are quick to paint).

That brings me to within touching distance of my 1000pt target (and possibly the first year that I achieve it)

What a gruesome bunch of constructs. Nice work, Dave.



  1. Great paintjob on all, I particularly like Unger's jeans. Well done!

  2. Great work on these grim looking figures

  3. Very impressive characters!

  4. Splendid looking pile of constructs!
    Best Iain
