Tuesday 16 March 2021

From PeterD One More Orky Dorky Tank (20 points)

Like many Challengers I am busy clearing stuff out of the 99% done pile before this week end's deadline while trying to get my submission for the Snowlord ready.  This is another Gretchin tank 3D printed by gaming buddy JeremyM.  It's of suitably unknown providence for an Orky vehicle.  I've continued mostly with my Maserati red with steampunk bronze fittings colour scheme mostly because I can't be ar*ed to come up with another.  You may however note hints of other colours on the current flanks.


Profile views show that the Maserati red is in this case Claret with Amber stripes on the turret. Challengers or those with a Yorkshire connection may recognize these as the home colours for KenR's beloved/cursed Bradford City Football Club.  I reckon this tank has about as much chance on the pitch as BCFC.

That should be 20 points for the 28mm vehicle and I'm off to work on my submission for the Snowlord's altar.

Orks for the Dorklord! That tank is most certainly red.



  1. Are you assembling a horde of Orks Peter? Nice stuff.

    1. Assembling seems too regimented Greg. I have a small malignant growth of orks so that I can participate in our group’s 40k games. And by participate I mean put them on table and watch them blow up while drinking wine and hurling abuse.

  2. Lovely looking ork tank,I like the stripes, not sure how Bradford city would take this as a tribute?
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain. Fortunately, there’s a lot of distance between me and Bradford. I’m also not sure there are a lot of rapid fans who would be offended

  3. Great red clanker Peter! Love the all-brass Spandau.

    1. Cheers Curt, I figured OOT ridiculous is the way to go.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Barks! They have a certain dorky charm.
